Re: VER D's 'mescaline' thread.. My MescaLito Cherry Poppin' Education..


Well-Known Member
It's very, very Long.

Blessed by Mescalito, not enough have I been, I feel, but it goes as it goes. I Suppose with this compound and myself, a long courtship has taken place. Grandfather has been scarce with his presence, but generous with his gifts.
My first: Four teenage yotes carefully harvested from their roots, and roughly 75grams of powdered trichocereus, made into a serious green goopy glopping brew of mucousy boogerific joy. :shock: The buttons were wonderful to consume. They were bitter as advertised, but being hard grown in the greenhouse they did lack the punch as I would assume Wild Things would posess.
*I'm just realizing.. This might get a tad long.*

To continue, simultaneously as I ate the 'yote cutlings, I stupidly did not heed the warnings and proceeded to combine the powdered torch with water to make 'tea'. Oh no, work, it did not. The plan was to steep, then filter with a steel coffee filter LOL WOW, did that NOT work. It was akin to trying to filter ectoplasm. So out came the shot glass, and one by one over the course of a couple of hours the slop was tossed down.
You may be wondering why I ate the buttons by themselves and prior to the powder. I was venturing into alien territory with a many unknowns. Potency of the peyote, my reactions etc. I was going to let the experience unfold at its own organic pace. I had no say. I was only the ticket, as they say, and the ride was my guide... Let's return to the peyote feast.

As I placed each slice on my tongue I was reminded of cucumber and pickles for the textures and consistancies. One half hour had passed. Then forty-five minutes. An awkward crept over me. Unlike any uppance I've known. I was at a loss for words in my spacey new found home. Confused almost. But waves of warmth accompanied my shaken bones. This went on for another hour perhaps, and then a very uncomfortable, uneasy and nauseus period began. A lay-down was needed. Though no vomit was spewed at this point, my Guts were not pleased and lightheadedness and dizzyness set in. I was in a strange land now. Almost dissociated.. like everything was at arm's length, not within my grasp, and faraway and distant. Just observances. Then. A transformation was at hand. A sensation that Grandfather was kindly taking my hand, leading me towards his territory. His Life, His Love. I was lifted from my reclines and urged towards the stove to begin the second phase of ingestion. I then proceeded to gulp the hork brew down, shot after shot every few minutes. I was giddy with anticipation. The nauseousness had passed and I was EXCITED for whatever was to come. The organic perfect sloppiness of an LSD come-up was apparent for me. Where slight visual distortions catch your eye, and the odd architecture of forks fascinate. The movements of your body, with it's ingenious sleek locomotion attunes itself to the rhythms of its surroundings. The trip as yet was light, but intuitive. I had a sense that the chum I was eating was going reinforce the mighty peyote spirit quite well.....

Then.. without any warning, nearly 20-30 shots in, an eruption occurred unlike any purging I've since expereinced. There was no time to waste, this vomit was waiting for NO ONE. Mid-stride, I think, the beautiful stream of hunter green tummy contents were expelled from their warm, peaceful slumbers and into the frigid toilet waters below. Projectile, as a description doesn't suffice. Fire hose does. What powerful forces my stomach owns. At once, it conjured up the strength to empty itself in one fell swoop. The relief I was overcome with was staggering. I was light as a feather. Enough of the vile bile.. I'm sure you've grown tired. Let's move on.

Following the purge, the trip intensified exponentially. Now about three hours in, I was in a very comfortable place. Even keel sort of place. I wasn't rising and I wasn't falling. I remained here for hours, spontaneously hopping up to slurp another shot. To be honest, I was happy where I was. I had no aspirations to continue into the void. But that, my friends, was out of my hands. ..

I was now 6 hours in. Six hours of ups and downs and all arounds. But this was to be classified as the beginning. THIS is when it all started. THIS is when Grandfather was to show himself, in the cryptic way he goes about things. He poked his head from behind posters and appliances gesturing me to approach. (Not literally) It was time to recede into the darkness and meditate, observe and contemplate. With my very carefully chosen guide, I popped my headphones on and proceeded to be led to the light, engulfed in night, by Kevin Yazzie, a writer of Native American Peyote anthems, a Brother I've not met physically, but feel we have kindred souls. His music brings me to tears.

Please have a listen as I decribe my journey with himself and Grandfather:

Enormous geometric patterns pranced within the darkness. Morphing poloygons changed hues from violet to gold, and tourqoise to Blood red. Brilliant flashes of white light pierced through the blackness, bringing about sensations of near pain, as you would by the sun burning your retina. Although I was in a meditative state, I was clenching the duve on which I lay, from the intensities of the light show. My eyes darted to and fro underneath my closed lids, eager not to miss a single 'photon'. Soon, the random flashes of white light began to take recognizable form. A face, human or not, was taking presidence. Sheathed in black, it would shed its barrier from time to time and expose a white outlined face. The features highlighted with trailing pinlines of light. It wasn't smiling, nor frowning, but a sternness that meant business. It had purpose being there in that room with me. We didn't stumble upon each other. This was a planned meeting, not premeditated or otherwise. There was a message delivered. Was it from this entity, who I firmly believe was grandfather, or was it simply inspired by this mystic rendevous. ....

"Rekindle my Connection with people"

I remained here for a while, until it was time to resurface and recalibrate. I was just over the 'peak' if you will, and slowly sat up. I was at a loss. Blown away. On the way outside for some fresh air, I passed a mirror. MY mirror. At first, all I saw were calm distortions of my facial features, resonant of a lower dose of acid. Immediatley, these 'distortions' turned to full out visual transformations. My eye socket manifested a flap of skin from the lower orbital, and fastened itself over my eyeball, creating a skin eye patch of sorts. Then my mouth fashioned itself a deep frown, almost a snarly representation. The skin on my face then started to churn about, splashing my features around in a violent ferver. What I was left with for an instant was the face remeniscent of the pig-faced Beelzabub, from Lord Of The Flies. It was very jarring. Maybe plain hallucination, but I believe it was an excorcism of my human negativity and evils. I think it coincides with the message I learned of perfectly. It all gels for me.

And I still work on this to this day. It's not easy, as I can slip into my own guarded worlds from time to time.

But to close this entry, the lessons that can be learned are innumerable. Mescalito is a powerful friend that can bring some understanding and love to lives in need. Obviously it can be extremely pleasurable as well, but love and learning is what it's all about. I've had one other experience with tead Sanpedro, that was equally rewarding with its wonder and mystery. Hopefully I'll return soon.

But VER D, Don't measure the experience with anyone elses. Your own experience will be your own. None are the same, and you take from it what you will. Go for it, Brother. Take that leap :D


Well-Known Member
Long, interesting thread. When I get the time I'm definitely going to take a big chunk out of this and stick it in my pocket for safe keeping :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I am so happy that you live near by !!


Nicely done brother. Excellent read beautifully crafted !
I will re read this at least three times.
And pick you brain further.


Well-Known Member
amazing report bro. i hope to give this mindblowing substance a try soon as well. i just hope my trip report is a half as good as yours was. keep em coming.


Well-Known Member
never tried mescaline would like 2 but its never around here anywhere got like 5 san pedro plants growin not even an inch in hight but its ok ill be waiting for them :)


Well-Known Member
I have a question, for all you mescaline lovers :D

Does eating it work or does it have to be biled? I've never done anything with the raw cactus bu me and a few friends are going to buy some I just wanna know how a foot of it will even hurt my stomach? And is there any way I can just put it in a blender or something and drink that? I dont care how bad i tastes I'll probably be baked :D

In other words, whats an easy way to take it without it taking 8 hours? And also will tums or something help the stomach ache?


Well-Known Member
You could certainly munch on the raw cacti, but do you want to..
The average mescaline content of the trichocereus species (san pedro, peruvian torch, bridgesii) isroughly 1-2% dry. So to get a decent dose of 500mg from an averagish specimen of 1% mesc content, you'd need to eat 50 grams of dry. That's a lot of cactus material. They can be up to 70% water.. so as the fresh weight goes up, the potency goes down, so consuming fresh could be a major hurdle. Many people have done with success, but by far the most economical way is to tea and extract. My second go around with four feet of SP resulted in 3/4 cup of of goo after reducing. From there you could toss her down, or extract. I just put it back as quickly as I could.

Another thing with raw cactus, it's not the taste that is discouraging, it's the slimey consistancy and all that alien material brewing in your gut, you kno? It's the slime... oooh the slime :lol: Good times :D

For tummy troubles, ginger is remarkable ;)

And in reference to your 8 hour comment.. don't follow my lead highhgih, it was a very unorthodox approach. After taking a full dose, be it tea or crystals, you're snapped there within an hour or two.


Well-Known Member
this suck im dyslexic next time im high ill be sure to read it all and get pass the 2nd paragraph


Well-Known Member
i can it would take me along ass time unfortunately im not that patient but if wasn't sober id be able to skim threw that like nothing


Well-Known Member
naw but thing is want to read it i remember i use to always have to go to school high cuz i had English 1st and i mean i use to go in cheese smiling all chinc eyed smelling like if i wass sitting in a small room filled with weed smoke just basking it and its funny cuz everybody knew i was high and they wouldnt say nothing cuz id be the only one doing my work


Well-Known Member
A proper medi-Mary patient, are you? I LOVE reading about the truly incredible benefits.. Lives being enriched and improved.
Mescalito is some serious Head-medicine. Enriches and Improves ;)


Well-Known Member
yea to bad i dont live i mmj state but its all good i could always just move one state over

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Cannuck, as always, beautifully written..

Sounds like you learned a lot from this magnificent experience.

I to, hope to meet grandfather in the same light as you!


Well-Known Member
wow this thread really did move me and the song was just a plus ill be sure to connect with myself and the world around me if i ever try mescaline now i remeber why i tried any thing in the 1st place i was taking a leap into myself thank Canuck


Well-Known Member
Cannuck, as always, beautifully written..

Sounds like you learned a lot from this magnificent experience.

I to, hope to meet grandfather in the same light as you!
Thanks Mikey :D

Perhaps I was being too literal with my interpretations, which can throw people off, but that was how it went.. As hokey as it all sounds ;)
The days following that experience were some of the most serene of my life; an unobstructed and unfiltered view of my world, almost zen-like. I wrestle with myself to get back to that place.. It's not easy. Lucy has been a beautiful companion as I continue my search for that permenant state of being.


Well-Known Member
wow this thread really did move me and the song was just a plus ill be sure to connect with myself and the world around me if i ever try mescaline now i remeber why i tried any thing in the 1st place i was taking a leap into myself thank Canuck
Aw man, It really warms my heart to hear that my words and the melodies of Yazzie have moved a fellow traveller such as yourself, VER D :hug: My day has been made :D
Always try to take that leap, in every facet. Experimentation and new things help enrich our lives, I think. Keeps it all fresh ;)