Reaching out for help...


Active Member
Hi guys, been away from the forum a bit, nice to see you all again. Im here today reaching out for a helping hand. Some of you know my story already, but Ill run down a short recap, and update my friends with the recent events in my life.

I have grown marijuana since 2003, and now have 20+ grows under my belt. I started growing in Alabama, at 16. I grew purely for personal supply. I did this for many years, up until 2010, when I was busted with 138 grams. The local authorities tried very hard to pin me with a felony, but being my first offense, and with a very expensive lawyer, I escaped with a misdemeanor.

After this tragic incident, I could have no more of my local laws, to continue feeding my passion and ambition, I had to leave for California. At 22 I saved 5,000$, packed up my car with whatever it could carry, and hit the road.

I arrived in Cali to find the job market dead, no ways to make any income to tide me over, and a very high cost of living compared to what I was used to. I tried to find a job but every interview had like 20 other applicants and no one hired me. One good thing came of all this though, I met my wife(at the time we had just met of course). I wound up running out of funds and having to move back to Alabama, and luckily, my then girlfriend uprooted her life and came with me.

I struggled for a very long time trying to make sure my girlfriend didnt want, helped take care of my disabled mother, and also had to get an engagement ring and money for a wedding.

All said and done it took me almost a year to get married, help my family, pay for a wedding, and then save up enough to make another shot at Cali.Me and my wife got married, and I saved up around $4,000 this time and started planning the move again. Around this time we discovered that my wife was pregnant, and I knew I had to make it to Cali and get something started to make money for my new baby.

Years ago I applied for disability due to the fact that I have bipolar illness, yet had no insurance to get anything done about it. Around this time I was approved. Being on disability, If I were to work too much, Id lose my beneifits and more importantly, my insurance.

So we arrived, and had to be here quite a while untill I was able to obtain a 3 bedroom with a 2 car garage, a nice area for growing. We received our cards and I picked up some clones and it was off to the races. Then we had an issue with the property owner and had to move into a hotel, and not knowing ANYONE here, had to destroy all my progress( wasnt a lot, but look at the pic, I was started..)

Right before we had to move my precious baby girl was born.On top of this, I cracked the heads in my car and it was towed, having no car to go and get it and knowing noone who could help me, the car was lost.

After all this, the money we had brought out here was wearing thin. We lived in a hotel for the first 5 months of my baby girls life, once again saving money. I saved enough to move us into a nice 3 bedroom with 2-car garage, and this time there will be no issues with the owners. I was also able to procure a new car for us, although its having some weird A/C compressor problems(pulley wont turn, making the car not hold an idle)


Sorry for the wall of text above, just trying to inform anyone who cares about whats been going on.

Im here now in the High Desert, and have 624 sq ft of growing space. I have 224 for veg/cloning/mothers and a 20x20(400 sq ft) for flower. Right now I have 3 clones turning into mothers but the going is slow. I had a 1kw light kit, but had to sell it last month during an emergency.

At this moment now I have a 250 w light and 3 clones to be mothers, a few 6" inline fans, and plenty of soilless and nutrients.

What I dont have are friends with this hobby/passion, connections, a source of clones, etc. Im looking for fellow growers who want to be friends. I have been completely removed from the marijuana community for years since meeting my wife, and actually have not met another "real" grower(by real I mean you didnt just throw a few seeds in the ground and get a plant) if you dont count the clubs.

I would like to meet some people close by I can network with, maybe I need a light, maybe you need some genetics, maybe you just wanna hang with some chill stoners. Maybe I have some knowledge to drop on you, maybe you have some to drop on me. I am also open to sharing my 624 sq ft of grow space, and can make you a VERY attractive offer if you wanted to do so. I would rather make a few friends first though.

So if you see this, respond and tell me what you think. Thanks for stopping by and reading, and you have a stoney day! Jeffdamann


im sorry i cant help you im on the east coast but it sounds like youve had a pretty rough go of it, sounds alot like my shitty life haha no offense..but i do wish you the best of luck man why dont u try going to a festival or concert or something like that? ive met some of my best friends at festivals.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies. I live close enough to network with anyone around Barstow, Apple Valley, Phelan, Victorville, Oak hills, Bakersfield, San bernardino, Rancho Cucamunga, Pomana, Riverside, Hemet, etc. AKnight3, I actually tried what you suggested at the end of september. Everywhere around here there were fliers for "Budood's Phamily and Phriends Cookout/Sleepover, the cover was 30$ and there were supposed to be 12 bands lined up. I searched the internet, asked everyone, and could not find the location because there was no city or address on the fliers. I finally told one dispensary that I wasnt going because I didnt know where it was, and they said"We're vending there, follow us!" We drove into the mountains along a dirt road for over an hour before we arrived. It was the middle of nowhere, a very ghetto stage, and maybe 20 people, no bands. I paid the cover for me and the wife even though noone was there cause they were hassling me about it and I wanted to stay and meet people. I met a guy who works at a dispensary around here, did some dabs with him, but that was about all that came of that event....


Active Member
Repost since the one above smashed my text and WILL NOT fix... Thanks for all the replies. I live close enough to network with anyone around Barstow, Apple Valley, Phelan, Victorville, Oak hills, Bakersfield, San bernardino, Rancho Cucamunga, Pomana, Riverside, Hemet, etc. AKnight3, I actually tried what you suggested at the end of september. Everywhere around here there were fliers for "Budood's Phamily and Phriends Cookout/Sleepover, the cover was 30$ and there were supposed to be 12 bands lined up. I searched the internet, asked everyone, and could not find the location because there was no city or address on the fliers. I finally told one dispensary that I wasnt going because I didnt know where it was, and they said"We're vending there, follow us!" We drove into the mountains along a dirt road for over an hour before we arrived. It was the middle of nowhere, a very ghetto stage, and maybe 20 people, no bands. I paid the cover for me and the wife even though noone was there cause they were hassling me about it and I wanted to stay and meet people. I met a guy who works at a dispensary around here, did some dabs with him, but that was about all that came of that event....


jeff i think you should keep trying, it sounds like you found a very small event and while they can be great as well, they arent always the best for meeting people, im takling about a festival like...out in cali prob the high sierra music festival would be a great start...i go to fests like allgood, gathering of the vibes, nateva, camp bisco, moe.down, stuff like that its all east coast, but ive met TONS of really great people and always have had good experiences for the most part.keep trying and dont give up, if your a good person other people will see that and gravitate toward you, its all about good vibes brah

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Sorry to sound like a dick, but how do you expect us to feel sorry for your family and their hardships when you are putting them in danger of losing you to federal prison with an illegal grow that's way above state limits even with your two cards? IMO, you should really rethink your priorities.


Active Member
Sorry to sound like a dick, but how do you expect us to feel sorry for your family and their hardships when you are putting them in danger of losing you to federal prison with an illegal grow that's way above state limits even with your two cards? IMO, you should really rethink your priorities.
Where did he say how many plants he was going to grow or is there a limit to the sq footage ?


Active Member
All that other bullshit is red tape! Just stay under 99 plants and you are all good! The cops wont even bother you if you are under 99 plants.

"624 sq ft of growing space. I have 224 for veg/cloning/mothers and a 20x20(400 sq ft)" This is a felony and will get you busted hard!

Drop your plant count, you can still make money and have your own smoke with under 99 plants!

In one sentence you say you have 224 for veg/cloning/ mothers. Then you say you have 3 and a 250 watt light? I don't get it?


Active Member
You are going about it the wrong way. You WILL get busted! You and your wife are the only people that need to know that you grow. Meeting strangers on the internet and inviting them to your grow room. I guarantee you will get busted or robbed! I have friends too but they don't know I grow. Meeting up and trading clones in public places is the only thing that I do. Just stick to the internet, that's what Rollitup is for, posting pictures and talking about growing.

At first I was going to help you and give you some really elite clones but then I kept reading and you are divulging way too much information. Everyone has bad things happen in their life, everyone has a sob story. It would be nice to make friends that grow and share secrets, but the truth is you CAN'T. I mean you can talk to people but you can't ever let them know where you grow, EVER!


Active Member
All that other bullshit is red tape! Just stay under 99 plants and you are all good! The cops wont even bother you if you are under 99 plants.

"624 sq ft of growing space. I have 224 for veg/cloning/mothers and a 20x20(400 sq ft)" This is a felony and will get you busted hard!

Drop your plant count, you can still make money and have your own smoke with under 99 plants!

In one sentence you say you have 224 for veg/cloning/ mothers. Then you say you have 3 and a 250 watt light? I don't get it?
Think he ment to say 224 sq ft