Reaching out to Denali....

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Not sure on the rules about this, but i created this account for this sole purpose so here goes: I had my cert done on Dec.18th at the Gaylord office and recently received a denial letter. I contacted the office and left a message, which was returned on Feb 2nd. I was told to fax my denial letter in to them so they could take care of everything and within 10 minutes I did. That is the last contact I have had with Denali. The only thing I want is to know what is going on. I have no bad feelings nor ill will for Dr. Bob or anyone at Denali as I can understand what a trying time it must be for them. That doesn't mean I can't be frustrated at the lack of communication though. So to Dr. Bob: Am I going to have to find another Dr. and pay for another certification or is there something being done for those of us unlucky to have had appts in gaylord that day? I have spoken to others that have also received denial letters so I know I am not alone. Anyway, thank you if you take the time to read this, and thank you even more if you choose to answer. Best wishes for everything to get taken care of promptly, as you have done a lot for this community.
We have been referring those patients to MMMCC in Gaylord. They are handling the correction for free to assist us. Their contact information is:

Gaylord Location!
MMMCC Gaylord
1349 S Otsego Rd/Old 27
Suite 2 in the Park Side Mini Mall
Gaylord, MI 49735
Phone: 989-705-9991
Fax: 989-705-9992

To clarify something. The action was taken on Dec 17th, and the 'certificate of mailing' was done by the state on Dec. 18. We actually received the letter in January. It did not appear on the state website until Dec 21, at which time we immediately stopped operations. The people seen on Dec 18/19/20 were denied despite the fact they were seen in good faith and there was no way to have known what was being done by the state. We tried to work with the state to get them approved (as was the right thing to do) but they refused. We then made arrangements with another clinic to handle them. This took a few days but is in place now.

Denali will be up and running again shortly, but we are following up for our patients now. We are very sorry this happened and are doing what we can to fix it.

Dr. Bob
Thank you so much for the quick response Dr. Bob! I called MMMCC in gaylord and they said that they are aware of the denial letters people have been receiving but they know nothing about them seeing those denied for free as you stated in the beginning of your post. Could you maybe contact them or follow up somehow to resolve that? Again, thank you for your quick response.
You need to mention that they need to clear it with 'Steve' and it will be taken care of.


Dr. Bob
Said I couldn't make an appointment until they had my records so I did the release and was told to wait for them to call me back once they got them so hopefully things are just about taken care of. Thank you again for your quick responses and all your help in clearing up this matter. Best wishes!!!
Said I couldn't make an appointment until they had my records so I did the release and was told to wait for them to call me back once they got them so hopefully things are just about taken care of. Thank you again for your quick responses and all your help in clearing up this matter. Best wishes!!!

You need to call back and ask to SPECIFICALLY talk to Steve.

Dr. Bob
You know, people are looking for information and help with this situation. They can't even ask a question without having you guys come in and disrupt the thread. Make your own thread, bash who you want, but let people get their questions answered.

Dr. Bob
I talked to them as well and they had no idea of how they are getting paid, So I went to Alternative Solutions Plus, had to pay the $150 since Bob wont refund his fee.
Why did i go somewhere else?
It took almost 2 weeks (11 days) to get MMMCC on board. I didnt want to wait unprotected so I went somewhere else ASAP.

BUT.......MMMCC is free!!!
Why is it free?
How are they affiliated with Denial Health?
No such thing as a free lunch.

Something my grandpa told me long ago, you sleep with dogs, you will get fleas.

I am done with the subject here. its over.for me.
Well I see folks are trying to take over the thread. I'll take my leave. PM me with questions.

Dr. Bob
So I finally was able to get in contact with steve after explaining the situation to several other people at mmmcc all telling me that they had no clue what i was talking about. Figuring they just weren't "in the know" I kept pushing the issue and finally steve got on the phone and said he does not have any arrangements set up with you to take care of your denied patients and that the reason you were telling me/everyone this was to "cover your ass" I don't know what else I can do... I've spoken to the person you've asked me to and was made to feel rather stupid when they had no clue what I was talking about. I'm really trying to keep a level head with the whole situation but when it feels as if I have just been straight up lied to, it's getting increasingly more difficult. Unfortunately I do not have the money to pay for another certification right now as I am on a fixed income and my caregiver paid for my first visit and shouldn't have to shell out even more money. My card is now expired leaving her over her limit, if she has to destroy plants this will set her back at least a couple months so her supply of medicine will suffer. I am not her only patient so I am not the only one affected either. None of that is your problem, but it is showing that there is pressure from outside sources for me to get this straightened out ASAP...
That is not what was intended. I've tried phone calls, website, messages and the like and this was the first response I was able to get. The rest was me following up on what i was told to do and presenting the results, no heresay or third person. No name calling, no threats, nothing of the sort. If, however, there is false information being given, shouldn't that be brought to light and discussed?
That is not what was intended. I've tried phone calls, website, messages and the like and this was the first response I was able to get. The rest was me following up on what i was told to do and presenting the results, no heresay or third person. No name calling, no threats, nothing of the sort. If, however, there is false information being given, shouldn't that be brought to light and discussed?
This is the fourth or fifth thread that has turned ugly or pertains to this situation. Enough Is enough. Hopefully everyone gets their issues resolved and there's an end to the BS in this subforum.
This is the fourth or fifth thread that has turned ugly or pertains to this situation. Enough Is enough. Hopefully everyone gets their issues resolved and there's an end to the BS in this subforum.

There are patients and caregivers who, through no action of their own, have recently become unprotected under the MMMJ laws.

Internet forums are for the free flow of information.

It is absolutely necessary that information be accessible, and that discussions are taking place.

I, and others, would like to stay informed!
I have searched for a thread, or any information for that matter, since i have received my letter. If you have a link you could provide me with that has the answers to these questions that would be wonderful, and much appreciated as that was my sole goal for not only this post but creating my account in general. As far as turning ugly, I feel I was blatantly lied to, and yet still tried my best to keep my post civil. I have no control over what others may post as this a forum, but it is also a moderated forum where posts that are out of line or off topic can be removed if need be. So with an eye towards open and honest exchange of information I ask that this post remain open until this situation is resolved. I am more than open to receiving responses via pm should others feel the need.
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