Read please!! i need answers!


Well-Known Member
So about a month ago me and my friend were walking on a trail and my friend had some buds so we decided to go smoke a spliff, so we found a bench to sit on. There were trees and both sides of us and about 70 yards behind us was a house, we smoked the doobie than had ourselves a smoke and left, not 10 mins later a cop drives up and stops us and says that he got a call that 2 guys were smoking a joint.... we denied everything. so they went to the area were we smoked the spliff and found the roach. They search both of us found nothing on me and found some on him. They gave my friend a possession charge obviously than gave me one for the joint, which i think is not right at all, should i take this to trial? My friends going to say that it was his and only he smoked it?


Well-Known Member
yeap...fuck that were not anywhere near it...he has nothing but circumstantial evidence and none of it would hold up in court, and you can get it all dropped...fuck that cop


Active Member
yeah it will cost money to go to trial so they will try to convince you to cop a plea but i wouldnt dont get a charge on your belt if you dont have to


Well-Known Member
fuck that...

if that 'roach' wasn't on you it's not yours.

the only way they can 'prove' it was yours is if you confess.


Well-Known Member
So about a month ago me and my friend were walking on a trail and my friend had some buds so we decided to go smoke a spliff, so we found a bench to sit on. There were trees and both sides of us and about 70 yards behind us was a house, we smoked the doobie than had ourselves a smoke and left, not 10 mins later a cop drives up and stops us and says that he got a call that 2 guys were smoking a joint.... we denied everything. so they went to the area were we smoked the spliff and found the roach. They search both of us found nothing on me and found some on him. They gave my friend a possession charge obviously than gave me one for the joint, which i think is not right at all, should i take this to trial? My friends going to say that it was his and only he smoked it?
not to be a dick but why didnt you toss the roach further or eat it or break it up or something. wait how much is your ticket for the J? id say fight it no matter what cause that on your record has allot of shit attacked to it. your landlord could deny you a house for sale or rent cause of something that stupid. i even think creditors are also to be attached to the list


Never plead guilty!!! Fight The Power!!!! Really they have nothing on you, go in ask to see the District Attorney, see what he has to offer first, have nothing to lose by taking a couple minutes to listen to him. When he gives you a shitty deal, look him straight in they eye and say "I had nothing in my possesion", odds are he will take you to take it to trial then, maybe something else, so i would put it out there. Then thank him and tell him you intend to take it to trial. Tell the judge not guilty and make sure to do a "discovery" for all evidence they are prosecuting with, then you will not be blind going into court. Odds of getting this tossed before court are good, in court even better.


Well-Known Member
i am going to trial on the 19th of Dec, my friend is going with me and will testify for me. Im giving up on society if i get this ticket...


Well-Known Member
If it was me, I would plead not guilty, and don't have your friend claim the roach. They can't get him on it either. He's guilty of the bag he was holding period. You should walk no problem.