Read Plz :) BC Seeds


Active Member

You may have or may have not heard about BC Seeds, they are the seedbank with the 50% thc hyperplants and the company who destroy 5000 females plants due to being "unfit" to produce seeds to the "standards" of BC seeds ...

These guys rake you in with strains you have never heard of and all seems fairly convincing... Well until i read around there website and found a few documents including the dissclaimer lol...

Firstly this is a section they have marked as "Is BC Seeds a scam?"

We ask that you do not POST GOOD THINGS ABOUT US in online forums. This is CLEARLY STATED in our Order Form Instructions which you all must read to order from us. We have great promotions and freebies, and we even try to add more freebies above and beyond, and if we do this DO NOT GO ON THE FORUMS TELLING EVERYONE. We prefer a low profile and ask that you spread our reliability by word-of-mouth ONLY. Here is an example of forums going on and on about how great we are for adding freebies. We Do Not Want This Attention, and shouldn't be sharing this link.

why wouldnt you want people raving on forums? I am sure they would make shit loads more cash?

Now for the biggie which is in there disclaimer

Even though our website tells fictional stories and thc levels, they are for entertainments purposes only and should not be considered fact or promote the use of any product for anything in conflict with the law.

So it is all fictional lol

Avoid the 1500euros for 10 seeds at all COSTS


Well-Known Member
BC Seeds has screwed more people than it has helped. Thanks for the links and I hope the word gets around to stay away from BC Seeds!!!


Well-Known Member
geez what a joke. lmao@ the posts from guys who bought their gear and defend them.


Well-Known Member
I almost feel bad for people who are suckered into buying from these crooks, but then they come back and defend BC, just because they got some kind of seeds, and a handfull of bonus seeds, they think they are being done some kind of favor. I get free NAME BRAND seeds when I order from legit seedbanks, not a handful of mystery beans, labeled to look like something good.

To all of you who defend this site, because if people are willing to pay it, they should charge it, that's bullshit, and a lame excuse for fraud.


Well-Known Member
they come back and defend BC, just because they got some kind of seeds, and a handfull of bonus seeds



Well-Known Member
well im speaking from exp i got a pack of bubba kush from them 2 months ago tried to germ 3 beans nothing tried 3 more yesterday ihave never had to wait past 3 days after overnight soak for split to happen and go to soil the first 3 i waited 8 days and gave up this 3 i used a dremmel on before i soaked we will see what hapens

hard to expect much from them after reading this post oh well you live and learn i guess i should not expect uch from free beans either northern lights x trainwreck

how do people like that sleep at night

one love
Hi All,

I've ordered from BC Seeds 3 times without problem. I do find their mailing instructions a pain and they don't 'do' email but other than that I have no complaints. Beans took about 4 days to arrive. I'm in Canada and so are they. We've just recently planted and everything is coming up as planned.
I should add that because I don't like their rules for payment (pages of reading) and because they don't do email I'm going to try another MS Canada. I don't care if they aren't in Canada. I'm thinking they may have contacts here that they send from but who knows.

Brick Top

New Member
This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M) (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

Copied from Greenman's seedbank rating site: Last updated: April/21/10.

Do people really need someone like Greenman to know to stay away from seedbanks like BC Seeds? Come on now, pot rated at 50% in THC potency? Has no one every heard the old adage of if something sounds too good to be true, it is not true?

The only way BC Seeds could rightly claim such high levels of THC in some of its strains is if it created its own new and different way of setting levels of THC in tests.

Many people say how the pot of the 60’s and the 70’s was weak and that most ranged roughly around 3% to 7% with an occasional 12% or 13% now and then and then point to the ratings of today ans say, now that's potency!

There are two distinct flaws in making that comparison. One, and the one that is actually the least important in explaining the difference is the ratings of 3% to 7% with the occasional 12% or 13% came from government tests of confiscated marijuana. More of the lower grade/commercial grade pot of the era was what was confiscated and tested than the higher quality pot of the era. That lowered the overall average.

But the biggest difference and the one that if high quality pot from the 60’s and 70’s existed today might prove it to be equally potent or even of higher potency that today’s wunder-pot is in the past, when the 3% and 7% and 12% or 13% THC figures were tested giving those sorts of results THC was compared, percentage-wise, to everything within a THC producing trichome head, and what’s more not only THC producing trichome heads were tested. The amount of THC found, regardless of where it was found was compared percentage-wise to all matter in a trichome head. The amount of actual THC was compared to more matter than it is today and THC was looked for in more locations and an average between then was also relied on.

Today THC is calculated/rated in relation only to other cannabinoids and only from THC producing trichome heads. Much other matter has been removed from the equation, fewer things are factored in so even an equal amount of actual THC from a plant in the past if re-tested using today’s standards it would be rated much higher in THC than when first tested under the old standards/guidelines.

It is possible that BC Seeds has devised its own standards and guidelines for testing/rating THC percentages and again have removed some of what is factored in, in standardized testing and that would result in a higher THC percentage.

Personally I think they are just lying to create hype and sales but it is possible they came up with something they could use to prove their numbers of needed and when the difference in process would be brought up just say there is no real standardized testing process, just one that is most common and then there is ours and we believe ours to be more accurate. They could say anything and if they have or wanted to I am sure they could prove their numbers by just altering the test procedure and all that is factored into it.

Regardless of what trickery they might be able to use to justify their absurd claims BC Seeds is still well known for seldom or never sending the ordered product(s) and if they send any product most times it is very inferior seeds or as previously mentioned they ship nothing at all.

It would not matter to me in the least if they actually had pot with a legitimate THC rating of 50% because if they were either not going to ship those genetics and instead ship very inferior genetics or not ship anything at all what good is the 50% THC rating to me? It wouldn’t matter if it were 99.9999999% THC if they would not ship an order at all or is they did ship they would just ship Roadside Red beans.

I would not trust BC Seeds any farther than I could comfortably spit out a rat.
Thanks for the post! And yes, apparently people DO need to be told to stay away. I had no idea they were so poorly rated! As I said above, I've ordered 3x from them without a problem but I sure won't be ordering from them again. Not after reading about the inferior seeds!!! (plus i just don't like them generally speaking). We planted 5 beans and they're doing far....they only just broke the soil the other day. So....I am in Ontario...who do you highly recommend buying from in Canada?

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks for the post! And yes, apparently people DO need to be told to stay away. I had no idea they were so poorly rated! As I said above, I've ordered 3x from them without a problem but I sure won't be ordering from them again. Not after reading about the inferior seeds!!! (plus i just don't like them generally speaking). We planted 5 beans and they're doing far....they only just broke the soil the other day. So....I am in Ontario...who do you highly recommend buying from in Canada?
In Canada ...... Hemp Depot. It receives 4.5 stars out of five stars on Greenman's seedbank rating site and no one received a full five stars out of five stars so Hemp Depot can say no one received a higher rating than Hemp Depot. They are reliable, they have good service, they have a wide selection including a few keens ones like Joey Weed's F2's, plus his own crosses. The F2's are naturally a little less stable so that means an increased chance of finding different phenotypes. If there is something different that someone wanted, like say ... Cherry AK47 ... where would you go to find it, assuming you did not know someone to get a clone from? Joey Weed's AK47 because they are the AK47 beans that you can buy that will give you the best chance of running across a Cherry AK47. A lot of people sort of overlook Joey weed and do not think about the fun pheno hunting you can do and what will pop up and be a real keeper but you would not have found it in a stable line. Then Joey Weed's own crosses really should be given a try by more people. He has skills and enough of a varied stable to work with to put some interesting things together.

If I had one knock against Hemp Depot is the only thing they are not right up there tied with number one in my book is pricing. It is not as if everything is terribly overpriced there. You can find some solid values there but in some cases the very same beans can be found for a fair bit less, though I am not sure if that would include a Canadian location/site or not.

You can find some honestly good genetics at reasonable prices there but you just can't assume all strains in all lines are all that close to being a value either when compared to the pricing of other strains at Hemp Depot or comparing prices at different seedbanks, regardless of location, just to compare price.

I mainly use Attitude but I have used Hemp Depot a number of times in the past and almost certainly I will use them again in the future. If I could only purchase from a Canadian seedbank with as many as I have seen I do not know if there is more than one or two, well maybe three others if price was not at all factored in, other than Hemp Depot that I would feel all that warm and fuzzy over using. I have just read/heard to many stories about so many Canadian seedbanks over the years that was not all that flattering when I found a few I figured I got lucky and while each could have good things said about it the overall best of the small group is Hemp Depot .... so to me if you go Canadian seedbank you look at Hemp Depot first.

Again: .... and NO I do not work for Hemp Depot or get discounts or freebies or anything for mentioning them, or even pushing them in some cases. It is that once Heaven's Stairway died, that left Hemp Depot as the lone real class act of Canadian seedbanks. Again there are several others that I have total faith in but Hemp Depot has to get the top spot without question if Canadian seedbanks are asked about.