Active Member
Thanks for replying javadog, they have some weight to them as i watered a couple of days ago. I gave them all about 5 litres of water each.when I watered, the medium was dry to about second knuckle of my index finger. I fear of over watering so I only water when the top 2 inches of the soil is dry. I gave them a serving of trace elements 2 watering ago, mixed with seasol with is a seaweed feet. I have a feeling they are getting too big for the pots they are in and needed go up a size. The are about 600-700mm (2'-2.5') each plant in height.Laurie, I am really hoping to learn from better plant doctors, to learn, but
I wanted to add that your yellowing does seem to be all over. Hunger seems
to yellow from the bottom up....
The plant is not burning or curling so N poisoning does not seem likely.
Not sure. How heavy is it?