Ready for a change


Active Member
Hey everyone! I could use some help...

I'm living in New York...out on the east end of Long Island, to be more exact. I grew up in a pretty strict catholic environment...need I say more? Seriously, i just never had an interest in weed. But, a series of back injuries had me searching for relief...ahh the magical medicinal herb...

New York is a LOVE-HATE state. I LOVE its beauty but HATE its economic reality AND it really sucks trying to get stocked. I'm happy to pay but prices are just getting a bit too steep. I'd love to grow my own but my living arrangements don't allow it. I'm a web graphic designer so I'm pretty sure I can find work this leads me to my burning question...

Where should I settle into a new place to live?

I feel so much love for the weed that I'm seriously thinking about becoming a "farmer". How does one do that? what do I need to be able to not only supply my own needs, but grow beautiful crops that can benefit everyone??

I'd love to develop some "bakery items" as well. Yes, it sounds like I should open my own financial status is limited at the moment but It all starts with ideas, right?

Am I crazy? I just can't afford over $200 a half for inconsistent strains. Or is that the going rate everywhere?? I'm a daily smoker so this translates into roughly $3-400 a month. I'm waiting for my new health-care plan to pick up that tab. I so need to grow my own.

Thank you Thank you all for your insights. Right now Colorado is looking pretty good...


Well-Known Member
Where should I settle into a new place to live?
if you're not opposed to canada than there are a lot of grow communities in northern bc

I'm a daily smoker so this translates into roughly $3-400 a month
I smoke twice a day, sometimes more and I drop about a hundred bucks a month, no more and usually less. I know in canada it's easier to get cheap dank weed (that's why I love it here :mrgreen:) but it shouldn't be that huge of a difference where you are.
are you smoking joints? if you really wanna cut costs I recommend a gravity bong. it gets you fucked very quickly and you'll end up conserving a LOT of your weed.


Active Member
Thanks Gafoogle!
I would definitely consider Canada. I did college in Buffalo so Canada was my friend :)

As far as smoking, Im usually bonging it, sometimes with my little bubbler. Sometimes I just feel like smokin' a bowl so I use my glass one.

I had been vaporizing with the portable aluminum bat. I get frustrated though, because its so inconsistent...or I am probably! Anyway, the goal is the volcano.


Active Member
yeah im a bong person too bro.

i love joints but they just dont do the trick for me anymore.