Uh oh. He's here.
Have you been following my profile page like a crazy person to see when I would come back to this topic?
I don't claim to know everything and my quest is for clarity.
Bullshit, your quest as you made clearly early on is "winning", as if there is something to "win"... Considering the intellectual dishonesty you've shown in this thread you're not looking to "expand your perception", you're not looking for "clarity". If that were the case you would have pulled your head out of your ass at post #43.
The doc you posted being a typical example of a confirmation bias shows again you are desperately trying to be "right", while all I said is that it's poorly worded....
You realize it is as simple as an ionic exchange right? Did I really have to point that out?

Dude, you are not even half as smart as you think... For the third and last time faker: "So again, get some RO water, spray on the leaves, and then tell me where does the shit go, where do nutes leach? Simple question..."
Did I really have to point that out?
Awww, did that comment make you butt hurt again... you're way too obvious.
http://coweeta.uga.edu/publications/publications/5th group/pdf/575.pdf
"Leaching, which is defined as the movement of substances derived exclusively from plant tissues to an aqueous solution in direct contact with vegetation"
Have you told yourself yet today you're acting like a child?
Just a random quote to show how full of shit this guy is:
A storm was defined as a period of greater than 0-6 mm of rainfall, occurring
between dry periods of at least 6h duration (see Lovett & Lindberg 1984 for a
similar definition). Twenty storms were sampled throughout the period July 1984-
August 1986.
If you think that document is going to help your case (reverse foliar feeding "leaches" nutrients being a great way of describing what actual goes on) any more than the other I think you should perhaps stop doing online IQ tests and get your head examined.... see post #50.
Scroll down and read what the moderator "STinkyAttic" has to say.
Ok, he had to say "Stop using a water spray as it is probably just leaching the leaves out further with that."

... so some random grower in a forum poorly worded it in 2008 too and you think that is a valid source or valid argument? It shows why I explained something about authoritative sources in the first place, it shows how pathetically desperate you are to "win"* something you created in your own head...
Keep googling for foliage leaching and pretend you understand anything...
Intellectual honesty:
- One's personal beliefs do not interfere with the pursuit of truth;
- Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even when such things may contradict one's hypothesis;
- Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give misleading impressions or to support one view over another;
I like to argue because it is intellectually stimulating.
Exactly, you like to 'argue', I'm in "the pursuit of truth".
Unlike you, I like to be proven wrong, as that means from that point on I can be pretty sure I'm right. A similar approach would serve you well, instead of arguing for the sake of arguing.
*FYI: most people here aren't even capable of realizing when they lost a debate...