Ready for harvest? Start flushing?


Well-Known Member
I give each plant 1 gallon of water every other day, except when its 90degrees+ here in norcal, then I do it daily.
5ml - or 2 teaspoons of Floranova 4-8-7 per gallon. I have been getting yellow dying leaves for most of the grow - not just now in flowering.
Should I up the nute dosage in your view? They don't seem to need more water more frequently...soil is moist
You mentioned in an earlier post that you pH your nute solution to 6.0.........I'm not a soil grower, but I do know that the pH should be around 6.5 - 6.8.
5ml is 1 tsp........not 2.
I have used the FloraNova line before, but I don't grow in I can't help with nute strength or frequency........sorry.
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Well-Known Member
I give each plant 1 gallon of water every other day, except when its 90degrees+ here in norcal, then I do it daily.
5ml - or 2 teaspoons of Floranova 4-8-7 per gallon. I have been getting yellow dying leaves for most of the grow - not just now in flowering.
Should I up the nute dosage in your view? They don't seem to need more water more frequently...soil is moist
Foxfarm is soil, the nutes you are using are for Hyrdroponics, this may well be your problem, but I wouldn't like to say for sure as I have never used it or Foxfarm. Personally I'd look for something more suited to a soil grow. I use Plant Magic Old Timers on my indoor soil grows. It is cheap and simple organic bottle feed. On my outdoor grows I use a tomato feed called Tomorite, just because the wife mixes it up in big batches for her veg garden and I am lazy, TBH it works very well.
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I use Floranova and Roots 707, kinda similar to Foxfarm.
I don't add nutes for 4 weeks once they are transplanted from their solo cups.
Then I go half strength the whole way, maybe, maybe, upping the nutes a little if they ask for it.
The reason I think your PH could be off is not every batch of bag soil is the same.
The current 707 is very acidic. Even though it's soil, there's a lot of peat/coco in it too and if the ratios are off then the forest products and beneficials don't buffer as well.
And it looks like you've been doubling the dose (5 ml is 1 tsp) instead of halving it.
Now I'm not ordinarily a person who leaches their soil, but I have on occasion in situations like yours with good results.
You could have quite a bit of salt build up if you are overfeeding them.
And believe it or not, too many nutes can look like too little. Especially if your soil PH is out of whack to begin with.
So if you want to give that a try, I can say that it has worked for me with that nute line and a similar soil.
It's not a "flush" of the plant. It's a one-time leach of the soil.
Then I would get back to feeding them half strength and work up from there if necessary.
But for your next grow, start with half strength Floranova in your soil, after 4 weeks. Then follow your plants' cues.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh - shit, I didn't know that. Any suggestion on which nutes I should be using with my foxfarm soil?
TBH Fox Farm is a US brand and I am in the UK, we can get it over here but it is stupid expensive. I believe that Fox Farm do their own line of nutrients that are well regarded. A simple tomato feed would work at a push.

It looks very similar to most what I use, which is Plant Magic Old Timers.