Ready for the Amero ???


Well-Known Member
I dont no if you guys no this or not, but the u.s. , canada, and mexico will soon hav the same currency. They are already printing it right now.
YouTube - The AMERO is here
^^^ 10 sec vid of wat it looks like....

we are now n the north american union... it will open up both borders making it easy to go from country to country...
(thank u george bush)
(however... he might have signed the agreement to make this happen... but i dont blame him... its the owners of the central bank who want more power...)

YouTube - North American Union
^^^ 3 min vid explaing wat the north american union is

^^^ North american union police.... yah... there already here ( 30 sec vid )


Well-Known Member
That's not very healthy. There are too many bogus things on youtube to believe it all.

Take everything with a grain of sand. Know what it's about, but don't get too involved. If you see events taking place, you will already know what else is to come because you have knowledge of it.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh yes. The good ol' NAU. Supposably it's will come into action in 2010, but it seems it might come sooner.

But be warned, people are incredibly lost in denial land. You'll probably be called a conspiracy theorist for this.

Oh well, knowledge is power and the brave will thrive. You might find this video interesting. YouTube - The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World Order

yah i no.. i jst like to get the word out.. thats all i can really do... but ur right... they'll think im a conspiracy theorists , but i dont think i am.. i dont think facts can be considered conspiracies...
but o well...
as for northwest buds... wat do u not believe? jst curious...


Well-Known Member
Some things are too obvious to ignore. Denial and ignorance are destroying humanity. And people post informative videos on youtube to speak out to the masses and make sure ignorance is absent in most minds.

And what's a better place to inform people than the freakin' INTERNET. The whole world can see what you post, and to me that is the best source of information.


Well-Known Member
Some things are too obvious to ignore. Denial and ignorance are destroying humanity. And people post informative videos on youtube to speak out to the masses and make sure ignorance is absent in most minds.

And what's a better place to inform people than the freakin' INTERNET. The whole world can see what you post, and to me that is the best source of information.
Amen brotha ! :hump:


Active Member
Before I go smoke a bowl and go to bed I have to get in on this. Yes the amero will happen. No it is not a conspiracy theory, it has already been minted.
Now, for those of you who think this is impossible, do you remember in the matrix movie where all those people were in those pods plugged in? Okay, that's you right now. You gotta break away from the bullshit.

Let me school you real quick. America gets all it's money from the fed, right? Right. We can't get it from anywhere else because there are only a few private establishments that loan money to nations. Nations don't say, "Hey can you give me 56 million dollars." No, they say, "We need 30 billion and here is some treasury bonds in return."
When that money is given to that nation (America) it is given to them with interest attached. Now, sherlock since you think we won't be going to a new monetary system, where does the money come from to pay the interest back? Still waiting. And still waiting. Okay, now tell me this, if America's only source of money - meaning the only way cash is created - comes from only one central place that then hands the money out to a few other places and all these places extend loans to the millions of Americans with interest attached to that - how the fuck can our nation get out of debt? This has been going on since the late 1920's since the fed took over. Why do you think they confiscated all the gold back then? Because the dollar wasn't worth shit. Why do you think they're shutting down private mints now and confiscating all their gold and silver. Because we're approaching a new America. Do your research. Please, don't be ignorant. Read what president bush signed in 2005 called the Security and Prosperity Partnership. READ IT. Don't be lazy and just look at the page. If you want to understand this and seem at least a little educated, read it. That's the problem with our country now, we're all so goddamn lazy. Learn. Stop being dumb. You think the people who paved the way for humanity to be where it's at right now would be happy with what they saw in Americans? We're fat, lazy, image driven, greedy, do I need to go on? It's not about that. That takes your attention from where it really needs to be.
Anyhow, yes the amero will come. The dollar will become obsolete. This will be a bad time for all Americans. It will be a time where canada and mexico will become one publicly, military's from all three countries will unite and we'll be the american union. It's already been done and it's sad to see that nobody knows that. You gotta jump into the rabbits hole.


Well-Known Member
Before I go smoke a bowl and go to bed I have to get in on this. Yes the amero will happen. No it is not a conspiracy theory, it has already been minted.
Now, for those of you who think this is impossible, do you remember in the matrix movie where all those people were in those pods plugged in? Okay, that's you right now. You gotta break away from the bullshit.
Oh and you're Morpheus? :roll:

Do your research.
I watched all three Matrix movies two or three times. They should have stopped after the first while they were ahead, IMO.