Ready For The Critics... Too Many Plants Huh?


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do u plan on finishing in that space ??? hit me up man i could prob give u some specs for 2 lights in there that will do u just fine maybe one see how we go
Yea dude. Def gna finish up there though. But yea man sounds good.


Well-Known Member
How'd that monster smoke??
the big1 smoked good and went like hotcakes at maccers on a sunday morning for that spce it all depends on what u wanna do really do u wanna grow pounds or do u just want a p or 2 for perso ??


Active Member
the big1 smoked good and went like hotcakes at maccers on a sunday morning for that spce it all depends on what u wanna do really do u wanna grow pounds or do u just want a p or 2 for perso ??
Rite rite. Well I'm down for monsters just on a budget wit dem lights mann