Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10


Well-Known Member
No worries my man.

I plan on doing this once i get my PPP mother going then i can run comparisons in my closet with the clones. If i do it i will get 1 large air pot and 1 small and just double up when the time is ready and compare it to the other which will just be in a normal pot, same medium - same nutes etc so it will be a bang on trial.

Let us know how you get on and glad i sparked you off thinking about this.

You are right though NO SHOCK and more root space. So all your feeder roots will mainly be in the top pot and then they will find their way down into the next pot.

Apparantly you can grow monsters this way too especially if you train. You can bamboo the outer edge of the pots and tie your plants to the side to make sure they do exactly what you want them to do.
Then LST and go mad for it lol.





Well-Known Member


DONE ! lol :)

Only Done one though .... need some more Coco to do the other 3 .... Sank it down a bit more than just a couple of inches ... about half way down ..... To be honest ... i need bigger flowering pots ... I got a deal on some 12 ltr buckets ( 50p each at the car boot ) .... and at the time seemed like a good idea ... but after sinking her in that bucket im thinking maybe it could be a bit bigger ....
Loads of room at the bottom for roots to grow ... could just use more room round the side though ...But for now it will have to do :)

I really NEED to do an update much ahs happened since my last one ... i will try and get it figured out tomorrow ...i have a shit load to do :)


Active Member
this sounds all very good guys, Hi vento I think we spoke before in the jiffy pellets thread about nutrient schedule/feeding...if you remeber, I said I germinate my seed if jiffy pellets#7. I soaked the pellets in 1/4 strength reccomended dose poped the seeds in ad after 1 week I transplanted the jiffy pellet to 3 litre pots at 1/2 strenght nutes.....3 weeks on now and they look like they need higher dose so ima taking it up to 2/3 recommended dose
so Im kinda wondering what %nutes you adding to your plants and how they looking for it, and how often do you water your plants, in coco I water every 3rd day no matter what, its very hard to over water coco coir becuase it retains alot of oxygen


Well-Known Member
this sounds all very good guys, Hi vento I think we spoke before in the jiffy pellets thread about nutrient schedule/feeding...if you remeber, I said I germinate my seed if jiffy pellets#7. I soaked the pellets in 1/4 strength reccomended dose poped the seeds in ad after 1 week I transplanted the jiffy pellet to 3 litre pots at 1/2 strenght nutes.....3 weeks on now and they look like they need higher dose so ima taking it up to 2/3 recommended dose
so Im kinda wondering what %nutes you adding to your plants and how they looking for it, and how often do you water your plants, in coco I water every 3rd day no matter what, its very hard to over water coco coir becuase it retains alot of oxygen
Hi J :)

Yes i remember you friend :)

I should have updated this by now but been mad busy ..

At the moment im up to 1 mil ( i use a syringe to measure ) per liter of water but my babys are about 7 weeks into veg now , I will be upping it again with the next feed , I water more or less every 3 day depending on how dry they are ... i run them pretty dry and they are ready for a feed when they get it , Better to let them dry out a bit and drink as much as they can befor watering .

If your thinking about upping your feed ... do it slow rather than going from 1/4 to 1 ....let them dry out so your pot feels light to lift and go 1/2 for a couple of feeds just to see how they adapt ... If all looks good after the second feed ... up it again to 1 on the third feed ... Fact is we could prolly be giving them more nutes , But my babys seem healthy and love feeding time .

Im putting mine into flower next monday ... by then i should be on about 2 mil.....then im upping the dose by 1/2 mill every feed but paying close attention to them to make sure they can take it , Im lucky in the respect that my strain ( Flying Dutchman Pot of gold ) is pretty hard to over nute ...but still im taking it easy with it being my first run :)

Try watering just round the edge of your pot just to encourage the roots to go looking for it :)

Hope that helps J :)


Well-Known Member
Fact is we could prolly be giving them more nutes , But my babys seem healthy and love feeding time .
but you haven't,...thats a huge sign of things to come

Caring for your plants on the side of caution, will definitely help you to become a top notch grower quicker. Some things are common, and expected with a first run

-They usually are pulled too early

-Not all plants may make it, we learn from mistakes, mistakes can take casualties

-overwatering and over feeding are the #1 causes for failure

-ventilation was under valued

- The importance of a ph pen was under valued

Most of the new grower mistakes have their roots in impatience and lack of experience, you have 1/2 that battle beat already. stay focused to your plan, it's looking good

and nice set up, very clean work, another good sign.

Kudos bro. + rep


Well-Known Member
Day 49 ... Lots of changes ...

Hi guys and girls who are still watching :)

It's clear as day that i struggle hard with keeping this updated ... But belive me i try ... Hard ! :)

Ok sooooo Much has happened since my last update ...I will try and fit it all in if i can :)

Transplant of all 4 babys went really well , The Air Pots are awesome guys its official , I may be new to all of this but im reading thenm plants pretty well now and i seen NO sign of any stress caused by the transplant and infact ...Within 2 days i noticed a huge growth spirt Both UP and OUT .

Feeding changed to every 3 day ( Lite pots ) and nutes got upped slowley to 1 mil per ltr ( Canna A & B + Rhizo ) and each plant was taking in 1 ltr per feed .

I went Shopping ..

First a word about the new store i have found ( By accident ) .. I was asked here about garland trays and was skimming thru the net ... Found a site with nice 1 mtr trays and copyed the URL to send ... Just as i was about to close the page i noticed the phone number and it jumped out at me ... Took a closer look and recognised it as a Rugby Number , Im in the midlands so its allways handy to have local-ish stores ... So i took a look at the site .... REALLY good prices on a lot of stuff .... I decided to drop by and pay them a visit .

A very descrete shop housed inside a printers , Staff VERY friendly and VERY helpful .... Bit coye to begin with ( both sides ) But soon got round to having a laugh and a good old chat :) , They have a great little shop and are VERY keen on pleasing the customer , The shop is only about 6 month old but both the guys have a lot of experience and are keen to please the customer ... they have a great attitude and that matters for me ALOT !

6" Prim Klima £60 ...Yes ... 60 !
2 gang lightsafe Contactor £30
10 m 6" ducting £20
Powerplant DS Super HPS 600 lamp £20
10 Jiffy 7 Coco pellets and some Clonex for when im ready to take Clones ( VERY SOON !! ) £4

They threw in a FREE Air pump and a Ring Airstone and gave me a pack containing some bottles of Dutch Pro Explode and some Dutch Pro Take Root ... AND 2 bottles of Atami Awa Max A & B ... No ...i never herd of them ether ! ... but hey its free ... fuck it :)... A nice little peppet to use for my HP Down and a few backdated copys of Urban Garden Magazine :P

I'm forgetting something ... But i think you get the idea ... Great shop ... Great staff ... CHEAP !! ... Sounds like and advert ... But i know EVERYONE likes cheap !! :)

They told me , Anything i want that i see around they will get ... So i put in some orders last week for some Bits and Bobs we see how it goes :)

Website >> ...If you use them ... Tell em i sent you :)

OK so ... Back to the subject

New Light ...OMG it got hot !!

Last thursday i got my DS 600 w rigged up in the room and it got very scary !! , As you will know if your in the UK ... Temps here have been all over the place ... HOT then not so hot , Had my fan running at full blast with the new filter and was getting temps of 90 f with the door closed ....Panic set in and had to have the door open while i did all i could to try and manage temps , Ended up cutting a new passive air intake thru a vent in the loft hatch thats going into the room just outside the growroom ... Helped a lot but on a hot day its still up in the high 80's in the room .... So i have no option for now ( while the UK summer dances about from roasting hot to cloudy and cool ) but to get myself a Cooltube ... Im trying all i can to get the door closed and keep temps down ... but when its warm outside its a struggle ... Im hopeing the Cooltube will will help bring it down enough ready for flowring stage that i hope to start next Monday ....Fingers crossed !!!

TBC .. Need to go eat ... Will finish and pop a few pics in in a bit :)


Well-Known Member
HI Vento

Amazing how much heat comes from a 600w eh!

I can vouch for a cooltube. After setting mine up (all be it a little confused) it brought my temps down by around 3-4C i do however have mine blowing through my cooltube and out the ducting into the attic.

When i redesign i will be pulling the air through the cooltube not pushing it through but like i said all be it a little confused its still working great.
Cant wait to see what it does when i connect it how everyone else says to connect it.

My thoughts about the connection i have it in though was that surely the components of the fan cant like the direct hot air straight from the bulb, could this possibly cause a malfunction in the fan due to heat exposure.??? thats why i am prepared to redesign and connect it the sucking way so that i can see for sure which way works best.

Cant wait to see these pics bro!



Well-Known Member
glad you found a good local shop nothing beats being able to browse, alaska sucks wish i would of got into this hobby back home in the big cities lol bet they got nice hydro stores. anyways read the whole post this time ;) ill be waiting for the pics


Well-Known Member
Hi ya Guys :)

Bit of bad news i'm afraid.... Well not all bad :)

Ok First ..I have to back out a bit on this Journal :( .... Not coz i don't enjoy it ! Or coz i Don't like you ! ( I love you guys :P ) ..No ... I love updating and seeing my progress just as much as i do putting it together and showing you guys .. I really do enjoy it ....The Problem is TIME !

How to cut a long story short :

Life is pretty hectic atm ... Lots ( MORE ) than normal going on and im in a bit of a " Juggling with Chainsaws " situation ( Switched off of course ... cos the health and safty man would frown :) ) So this means im haveing to focus on things we enjoy less and the Cool , fun good stuff is not getting the time it deserves ....And i feel a buit guilty that i have started this journal and can't make the time to come and atleast give it some effort see ? :)

With all that said .... Things WILL slow down again for me in a few weeks ... So its not all bad :)

I just wanted you guys to know , I enjoy this and I will get back to it in a while & how much i appriciate your help so far :)

On a Brighter Note ...

A few of you are aware that i have some bigg-ish plans ahead for " Future Projects " :) and i have been very busy there trying to create a kind of revolution in the Hydro industry LOL ..... What started off as chat with a friend has turned into something much much bigger .... And i hope that you guys get to benifit from it in more ways than one :)

heheh very cryptic i know ! ...I have so much to tell you its crazy !! heheh

Aaaaanyway's :)...Hope you understand this post and i will TRY and update asap :)

Hope your all haveing a good ( whats left of it ! ) Weekend :)

V+ :joint: =:peace:


Well-Known Member
ohhh Go on then ! ....Just a very quick update :)

Daaaaayy 52 in Vento's Garden ... ( said In a very poor gordy accent hehe )

Decided to flower a week later ( Was planned to begin this comming monday 30/07/10 ) ... But i have decided to " double pot " my other 3 plants that are in Airpots .... Jon .... Seeing sighs of LOTS of root growth from the holes under the Coco on the test plant LOTS ! :)

The double potting looks like a winner Jon , All the holes at the top of the pots that are just below the Coco have grown out about an inch from the airpot .... so im asumeing that will be reflected right to the bottom of the airpor :)

Today is feed day ... So i plan on dropping the Airpots into prepped buckets ( As in moist PH ballenced Coco with some added root promoter ) and give them a week to settle in till i begin flower :)

Other News .... Got a nice Cooltube that im planning on getting time to rig up within the next few days ... Used my 10% discount at Home Hydro and got it for £45 :)

My hope is that it will be the solution to the problem i was having with heat and i can relax a bit again .... Managed to get by and made a few good changes ( that i kind of lik anyways :) ) But im counting on this Cooltube being the last bit of the jigsaw so i dont have to make more changes .... Good thing is ... Allways something you can do to make it better ... I have about three diffrent plans to go with for connecting the tube ... all standard ... but its just finding the right method for me ... Passive --Tube ----fan---OUT OR Passive --- tube ---T joint ---Filter ----Fan----OUT ..... OR .... Passive --Tube ----fan---OUT WITH ... Another Passive ----Room----Fillter --- SECOND Fan---Out .

Three to pick from .... Hope one works .... but im sure one will work better than the other 2 :) ..we will see :)... I know that Passive --- Room ---- Filter ----fan ---- Cooltube ----OUT ... is not good ... so i will not be trying that :)

Other news ... Made a nice little Seedling / Clone box in less than half an hour ( will post pic's ... time permmitting )

Ok " Men Who Stare At Plant's " ... Times up !

Later :)


Well-Known Member
Heres a few pic's from last week :0

Find a Box


Check its a good size ..


Look at it sideways :???:


Get something reflective and easy to cut to line the box :)


You can stop looking at it sideways now :)

Cut your lineing ... then tape it all in :)

IMG0242A.jpg IMG0243A.jpg

Cut your hole for power cord at the back ..


Notice that your pic's have turned from coulor to Black and white :confused: ...But don't get drawn into fixing it coz this has to be a quick project :)

Get your Power cord and light fitted

IMG0245A.jpg IMG0246A.jpg

Bask for a while in your joy at how simple and easy this job was and how awesome you are :) ( dont stare at the light though ... Health And Safety man will kick off hehe )


Whalla ! ... One finished Seedling / Clone Box :)

Tune in ( Maybe ) Next week to watch me end up in the A & E while i try to fit some fans to it :)

Now ! Wheres that camera and why is it black and white ?

V :peace:


Active Member
health and safety lol. I wonder if you could sue a light company if you electricuted, "wheres theres blame theres a claim"

I think with the cool tube you want filter-cooltube-van, yes the heat will degrade the life span of the fan but if you get a good one (fast) it shouldnt make the fan hot.
plus if there is any air leaks from the joints the air will be sucked thru the leak.

have you thought of using a autopot system, the reason I say this is cuz I think you mentioned getting a 1 metre square tray, Im getting a tray and im going to put a autopot valve in it. thats alot cheaper than buying all the autopots that need one valve or two per plant.

I like your little grow box, I'm making one at the moment

just one question for you vento, when you put the airpots together do you have the closed up holes at the top or bottom I can see advantages to both ways

nice journal


Active Member
Heres a few pic's from last week :0

Find a Box

View attachment 1075518

Check its a good size ..

View attachment 1075520

Look at it sideways :???:

View attachment 1075525

Get something reflective and easy to cut to line the box :)

View attachment 1075531

You can stop looking at it sideways now :)

Cut your lineing ... then tape it all in :)

View attachment 1075532 View attachment 1075535

Cut your hole for power cord at the back ..

View attachment 1075536

Notice that your pic's have turned from coulor to Black and white :confused: ...But don't get drawn into fixing it coz this has to be a quick project :)

Get your Power cord and light fitted

View attachment 1075540 View attachment 1075548

Bask for a while in your joy at how simple and easy this job was and how awesome you are :) ( dont stare at the light though ... Health And Safety man will kick off hehe )

View attachment 1075566

Whalla ! ... One finished Seedling / Clone Box :)

Tune in ( Maybe ) Next week to watch me end up in the A & E while i try to fit some fans to it :)

Now ! Wheres that camera and why is it black and white ?

V :peace:
love that little box man! could be kept under a desk without suspicion! I'm jealous...mine looks like a gypsy tent compared to that! lol


Well-Known Member
love that little box man! could be kept under a desk without suspicion! I'm jealous...mine looks like a gypsy tent compared to that! lol
ahah Hi ya Cafe .. Welcome to my ( i need to update this very soon ) Journal :)

Glad you like the little box ... works a treat mate :)

Thanks for the +Rep ... Here's a little pic of her in action Looking after my new babys :) awwww :)



Well-Known Member
nice one bro - would send pics of mine but im too embarrassed! lol
Dunbedaft ! hehe .. Post away man , Someone might see it and it helps them with an idea .. Go on ... DO IT! DOOO IT ! DO it ! :)

btw .. Thanks for the Friends request :)


Well-Known Member
Dunbedaft ! hehe .. Post away man , Someone might see it and it helps them with an idea .. Go on ... DO IT! DOOO IT ! DO it ! :)

btw .. Thanks for the Friends request :)
better yet someone sees it and gives you good advice or help