Ready to flower?


New Member
It is now nov 6, I germinated my plants sep 18 and planted them september 20th as seedlings so they are about a month and a half old. One of my plants was slightly burned, I saw some weird spots on some of the lower leaves aswell that looked like some deficiency and topped both of my plants so I think they went through a lot of shock but are now coming out of it. I know they are rootbound and Im going to re pot them really soon as well. We just trimmed both plants as you can see in the pics and just today got 2 new 2600 lumen lights that we have above the plants and now two more 1650 lumen lights on the bottom. We aso just got Miracle grow 8-7-6 and i put 4 drops into a average size drinking cup full of water and watered each plant with a cup of 4 drops. They starting to look better already and I was wondering when I should flower them, I wanted to wait til they were out of sock and til I repot them to flower. Any other suggestions?



Well-Known Member
You can flower when you want. I would repot and give them a chance to acclimate first.

Looks to me like you need more light. I know watts, not lumens. But she will grow 2-3x as tall in flower and your nodes look loose.

Or...LsT her!!


New Member
what does nodes beig lose mean? how long should i let them acclimate do you think and how much more light you think i need its two plants i have like 8k lumens I have 2 bulbs that are 40 watt 150 watt replacements with 2600 lumens each and then those other two lights are 1600 lumens each


Well-Known Member
Maybe some HID lights. HPS for flowering. Plants are stretched meaning that there is a large space between nodes. If your not familiar with any of these abbreviations just type them into google and you will have a shitload of info about each. Its easier than typing it all out. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
have you takin into consideration your expected yield? Or are you in a rush to flower? Either way you can flower when you are ready but I prefer to have multiple bud sites=bigger yield.


New Member
Counting the different tops i have on each plant I have like 8 or 9 on each and just topped the two tops on both my plants like a week ago so new tops should be coming in awell. Im in a rush to flower on because many people are telling me that you do it around this time like over a ft tall about 1-2 month old and i dont want my plant to get so big it wont fit in the closet haha. This is just my first grow and i just wanna learn as much as i can while still getting some good bud at the end but then next time be able to do it much better.

big bud 56

Active Member
not only does he need more light,I would recommend higher wattage cfl's or a 400 hps,but dude,you need to get some decent nutes,miracle gro is not going to give you a very big yield and those plants are srawny man,probably from poor lighting and poor nutes.
Your yield is going to be low.
You still have time to turn it around though.
Get some good nutes.
I would suggest this stuff.
30.00 bucks on ebay$T2eC16h,!yEE9s5jHP3kBRbdBTsDwg~~60_1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Get a 400w or 600w and continue to veg them and get you some diff nutes bro I had done the MG grow my first time in and it was very very hard for me to flush my plant clean so becareful or get something else.

big bud 56

Active Member
Why are you telling him the same thing that I just told him?I even gave him info on what nutes to get and what lights to use so if you want to suggest something else to him then do so but don't repeat what I told him to do.
Get a 400w or 600w and continue to veg them and get you some diff nutes bro I had done the MG grow my first time in and it was very very hard for me to flush my plant clean so becareful or get something else.


New Member
I recently just got a new nutrient called Jacks Classic Orchid 7-5-6, it has a bunch of micronutrients aswell, is this any good?


Well-Known Member
More light up top and close to the plant. She is stretching for light. Don't flower yet. Let her get good and strong and tighter node development. Let is great! I grow in small boxes and I let everything up until flower. Here is my last one I did.

And once you flower she WILL stretch!!!


not only does he need more light,I would recommend higher wattage cfl's or a 400 hps,but dude,you need to get some decent nutes,miracle gro is not going to give you a very big yield and those plants are srawny man,probably from poor lighting and poor nutes.
Your yield is going to be low.
You still have time to turn it around though.
Get some good nutes.
I would suggest this stuff.
30.00 bucks on ebayView attachment 2885664
I beg the differ on the Miracle grow. Well miracle grow nutes that is. You can use nothing but miracle grow nutes and they do pretty damn good. Look it up on youtube. I was pretty damn surprised when I saw how good the plants looked. So you can use miracle grow nutes and tap water and get some nice bud.


New Member
nodes are getting much closer together now, we had lights lacking at the beggining of the grow so she stretched. we only had like one or two bulbs of 900 lumens now were running around 8k. How much light do you use? nodes have been growing about an inch a part now


Well-Known Member
When using CFL's you gotta keep them CLOSE...and use all different spectrums. Check out this link it's a great example of what you can do with CFL's in a small space. I started with them myself but recently upgraded to a 400 HPS. But I vegged my current grow under the CFL's. Check out my link: You can learn alot by checking out what others are doing...I have :) I'd ditch the foil or at least turn it to the dull side. Do you keep a fan blowing on them? It makes a big difference. I agree with Big Bud 56 on just about everything he recommended. I just can't comment on the nutes he suggested as I've never used them myself. I have however had my go round with the MG...some people do ok with it...many don't, including myself...they aren't very forgiving :) I also agree about vegging up on LST...look through some grow journals on this site...if you need anything PM me, if I can't help I certainly know someone who can ;) Good luck!


Well-Known Member
1" internodes? That'd be good enough for me. Once the flowering comes you'll probably get somewhere arounf 4" nodes on the 1"ers. That amount of light should do just fine for this grow. I like to have 15k or more per plant personally. Sounds like you are getting good results from the added lights! On the MG note, in the pic I posted, I used MG Orchid mix and a little MG cactus fertz during last bit of flowering before my flush with pretty damn good results. To be honest though, I like molasses all the way through.


New Member
Just repotted today and started using jacks classic orchard 7-5-6 nutes isntead of MG. Heres a pic of my new light setup aswell im running two 2600 lumen 40 watt 2700k cfls on top and then that 1800 lumen bulb in the middle there. I heard of mollasses or honey being really good for plants but didnt know how to use it or when and how much. also how much water should i be using my pots are 4.52 gallons. Is there anything else i can do beneficial to help my plants grow?
