ready to harvest soon? PICTURES


Well-Known Member
ok, yall, i posted a topic yesterday with 75 views and not one response. it was on drying enviornment. any way, heres some pics that might get things moving. this is a white widow from greenhouse. i have 9 other strains with a toatal of 14 plants under 1 400 hps........ know what ya think. some trichomes are clear, cloudy and amber.



Well-Known Member
Why no branching? Sorry I've been growing pot for about four years now and assumed I knew how to make good grass, lol, I have learned a lot on these forums in the week ive been a member.


Well-Known Member
Why no branching? Sorry I've been growing pot for about four years now and assumed I knew how to make good grass, lol, I have learned a lot on these forums in the week ive been a member.
i dont know why it didnt branch, i didnt top any of the plants, due to the fact that there is 14 under 1 400 hps in small ass plants.


Well-Known Member
you serious thats after 3 weeks veg. you need to get into hydro iv got a ww thats been growing for 51 days topped twice and it is 28inch tall and 40inch by 40inch wide im hoping to get about 14oz off it atleast i havnt yet put it into flower thinking of doing it in a month or 2


Well-Known Member
you serious thats after 3 weeks veg. you need to get into hydro iv got a ww thats been growing for 51 days topped twice and it is 28inch tall and 40inch by 40inch wide im hoping to get about 14oz off it atleast i havnt yet put it into flower thinking of doing it in a month or 2
i would like to try a hydro setup, but for now its soil. the pots are 6" wide at the top and about 4 inches tall. im sure that has something to do with it.


Well-Known Member
suprised you got them so big in them pots its suppose to be 1 gallon per foot aint it?. if you wanna get into hydro i would say a diy flood and drain or a dwc setup would be best. how many oz you expecting from this grow? nice plants tho suprised theres no branchs coming off tho.


Well-Known Member
suprised you got them so big in them pots its suppose to be 1 gallon per foot aint it?. if you wanna get into hydro i would say a diy flood and drain or a dwc setup would be best. how many oz you expecting from this grow? nice plants tho suprised theres no branchs coming off tho.
here is all the plants. some indica some sativa. i will be harvesting at different times, but i am hoping for at least 4 oz"s from my 400 watter, and my 14 plants.


Well-Known Member
looking at that id say you could be up for a suprise maybe 6oz-12oz thats pushing it a bit tho. going on a .5 per watt ratio if you didnt do much wrong you should get 7oz. when are you thinking of harvesting cause the plant at the start of this thread looks almost ready.


Well-Known Member
you serious thats after 3 weeks veg. you need to get into hydro iv got a ww thats been growing for 51 days topped twice and it is 28inch tall and 40inch by 40inch wide im hoping to get about 14oz off it atleast i havnt yet put it into flower thinking of doing it in a month or 2
This is my thoughts on Hydro:
I have done two hydro grows and both went fairly well, I got about 13 ozs from each grow from 6 plants each time. They grew quick and awesome, and the weed wasn't bad. I had to check water pH, drain the system, add nutes, and all that other pain in the ass bullshit but something didn't settle right with me about the taste of the product I was producing. When I found a plot to grow on outdoors, I managed to get 11 ozs of each plant and I barely had to do anything other than fertillizer, and the weed tasted amazing. I harvested 4 plants and ended up with a lot of Mj. Now even in the winter I have given up on hydro and my last hydro grow ended 2 weeks ago (I only got like 4 ozs, only did 2 plants), now I've decided that I'm going to start seeds in the winter and set on 18/6 cycle then transplant outdoors in the late spring. I plan to rake in a lot of pot. Sorry for the long post, lol. In short though, hydro is just too much head ache for too little reward. And soo much $$ going into it, too.


Well-Known Member
1ft per gallon? bullshit... i got 3 and a half footers now in 1 gallon pots, not flowering yet....when i put em in 3, im sure they'll go to 5-7 easily...