ready to harvest ?


Active Member
Hi ive got 4 ww and 4 BIG BANG 2

I honestly do not have a clew when they are ready,, still newbie

Week 7 of flowering BTW?

1st pic is WW
2nd WW
3rd pic is BB2
4th BB2

Pics Below


Active Member
no they are not ready to harvest it looks like they need to go another 2 weeks ur cheating ur self if u cut them down early


Well-Known Member
id say atleast two more weeks. i would go get some type of microscpe and look to see how the trichromes look... little longer is always better than cutting to early and basically cutting yourself short with weight and stregnth............ plus i kn9w what u mean even though u have read books and know what to do it would be really nice to have some old dude teach show us what todo


Active Member
yep,, well the thing is im in a hurry to get it sorted the trichomes are mostly orange on around 5/8 of my plants should i chop those early and then the rest leave for a while ?


Well-Known Member
I went to Radio Shack ad got a small magnifier for $8.99 and can see trics just fine, enough to see they are not all quite cloudy yet, and no amber ones yet.....DCAM0066.JPGDCAM0067.JPGDCAM0068.JPG


Well-Known Member
nice work they look great...imo you have 12-15 days more..which is good news because you can order a jewelers loupe on ebay for 4 dollars with free shipping..get the 30 x scope.good luck


Active Member
Thing is im in a rush so need em do ASAP, was hoping for around friday - sunday.... Also 5/8 of my plants have mostly got amber trichs


Well-Known Member
you cant see trichs with the naked eye..what s the rush?..they really start to get fat and swell up and pack on crystals the last ten -twelve days


Well-Known Member
There is a page on here about colors of trichromes, and it shows pics of them and when is the best time to harvest. My understanding is that when they turn amber, it breaks down/decomposes the THC into CBD's or something. Are you sure your not talking about the hairs turning color?


Well-Known Member
you have gone this far, don't pull em early..order that loupe on ebay for 4 dollars some are 2-3 dollars free delivery

Jar Man

Active Member
Don't let the plants fool you. Always look at the tops of the plants to know when they're done. That's the last to develop and ripen. The white hairs that turn orange, red or brown are called pistils and are the receptors that catch male pollen, creating seeds. You want 80-90% of these to have shrivelled and turned red or broiwn, particularly at the tip of the top colas. The trichomes are the suggary crytal resin glands over the surface of the buds and small leaves. These will swell to look like tiny crystal mushroom heads (have to usae a magnifier to see this) that will turn from clear to milky, then amber as others have mentioned. Ideally you want to catch them right as they begin to turn amber, just barely crossing the point of peak potency. This happens over the course of just a day or two, so watch them very closely. Odor will seem to nearly double with pungent and noticably, "ripe" smelling reek factor. I agree they look like they have about another 2 weeks to go in the pictures. WW is not a particularly fast strain. Wait till they're done if at all possible. You will be disappointed with both yiueld and potency otherwise. Even slightly imature buds will lose much of their odor and shrink far more than you'd expect. Just remember that they'll look done at first when in fact they're not.


You need to get a 30x, cause you have to look at the trichomes and the orange hairs. Thats how you determine if its done hope this helped!