ready to start flowering


Well-Known Member
oh i'm a total noob. this is my first time i actually took my time to grow these. first attempt was a complete failure. 2nd attempt was just looking to learn and started flowering in just only veging for 2 weeks. This time i vegged for 10 weeks on my eldest and 6 on the younger one.

i'm hoping to get atleast a good O on my eldest


that is a pure ass looking sativa good luck budding her out for the next 3 months plus

northern cali

Active Member
how big do you think it is gonna get i have a whole bedroom as my grow room but i have 11 others but 4 different strains 3 ww and 3 blue dream and 3 blueberry and 3 super skunk but the blue dreams are the biggest the smallist one is 40 inchs....