Ready yet?? WITH PICS!!! seeking experienced grower opinions

Almost 8 weeks into flower. This is my first grow so needless to say I made many mistakes along the way that probably stunted the plants.

Im wondering when i should start flushing? I just want to make sure they are finished growing before i stop the nutes.. Unknown strains...It looks like 2 of the plants are suffering from nute lockout.

Take a look at the fifth picture.. why so leafy?

Disclaimer: All photos were found on the internet. I've never actually grown marijuana.



Active Member
they look very healthy i don't think they are leafy at all. I know you need water to flush for 1 week or 2 no nutes just plain water. the leaves have the nutrients and it will be sufficient to keep them healthy. good luck with harvesting, it looks good so far.


Well-Known Member
hey man NICE BUDS!!!!!!!!!! thats a fat one and no not to leafy perfect i wish my first time looked like that. anyways its hard to tell with only one close up pic but looks like you got 1- 1 and1/2 weeks left i'd flush now and than just plain water till your done and let dry out for last couple days less time to dry good luck peace


Active Member
The only way to know for sure is by check tricomes. Youve come this far so might as well do it right. Get a scope so u can c te tricomes up close. U only need a 30x scope and they cost about 15 bucks or so. Make sure u get a goodbrand and not something like eco plus. Theres a lot of cheap scopes out there so watch out. When you get a scope you will be looking at the tricomes color. It will be clear, milky white or an amber color. It is most potent when the tricomes r amber in color and if u wait to long after it turns amber they will start to bend over and deform.


Well-Known Member
The only way to know for sure is by check tricomes. Youve come this far so might as well do it right. Get a scope so u can c te tricomes up close. U only need a 30x scope and they cost about 15 bucks or so. Make sure u get a goodbrand and not something like eco plus. Theres a lot of cheap scopes out there so watch out. When you get a scope you will be looking at the tricomes color. It will be clear, milky white or an amber color. It is most potent when the tricomes r amber in color and if u wait to long after it turns amber they will start to bend over and deform.

ive had eco plus scopes they worked fine for me....


Undercover Mod
I would have to say they aren't done 3-4 more weeks. I'd wait another week then flush unless you are seeing major problems?

You can tell a plants maturity by the amount of dead pistils.
Yes seed.. Unknown strain.. Just got it from a buddy who got them from some really good bag weed... the largest plants leaves are starting to look pretty yellow compared to the others

Zulluuu, i do have one of those 60-100x radio shack jobers... but i dont really know what im looking at..Plus I get really impatient. i feel like as soon as i get a group of trichs in focus, i slip or shake and they're gone.. its fuggen annoying lol

Again thanks for all replays! :)
Thank you.. :) Ive made ALOT of rookie mistakes along the way.. But fortunately im pretty good at using resources, and marijuana plants are pretty resilient... ... If i do decide to grow again next winter.. it'll be epic lol........ Yes 400w MH veg, HPS flower... Root organics soil... with humbolt nutes.. I've invested ALOT of time into these girls.. Thanks again for the replies


New Member
your still about 1 to 3 weeks away still feed nutes once you see tricomes really turning amber to redish
then you know keep close look on buds daily know it can turn on you fast once you got 50 percent amber to redish hairs flush with honey run lights for 3 -4 more days then lights off for 72 hrs an then enjoy

by the way job well done


Well-Known Member
The only way to know for sure is by check tricomes. Youve come this far so might as well do it right. Get a scope so u can c te tricomes up close. U only need a 30x scope and they cost about 15 bucks or so. Make sure u get a goodbrand and not something like eco plus. Theres a lot of cheap scopes out there so watch out. When you get a scope you will be looking at the tricomes color. It will be clear, milky white or an amber color. It is most potent when the tricomes r amber in color and if u wait to long after it turns amber they will start to bend over and deform.
they are not the most potent when amber, amber is the thc degrading the most potent time to harvest is when 10-15% of the trics go milky, anytime after that will give you a more couchlock stone instead of the thc high many want, theres no perfect time to harvest many people like this couchlock stone so go ahead and wait for amber; but the thc is at its prime at 10-15% milky also harvest in the morning because thc degrades during the light of day
Thanks everyone for the replies.... Blazac... i was checking out some of your posts.. pretty epic.. You seem like a very knowledgable grower. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Happy growing to all :blsmoke:
your still about 1 to 3 weeks away still feed nutes once you see tricomes really turning amber to redish
then you know keep close look on buds daily know it can turn on you fast once you got 50 percent amber to redish hairs flush with honey run lights for 3 -4 more days then lights off for 72 hrs an then enjoy

by the way job well done

Flush with honey??? how much?? ive never heard that.. Soudns like a good idea though lol.. WHat effect does it have on the buds?


Well-Known Member
no need for a scope not dune yet got a while to go about 2 wks -buds done when looks ripe getsa get worm color to them all to white like a person that needs sum sun wait till they look like a person thats been in the sun

nice lookin work dontruin it by cuttin down to early -lots do that here dont know if hungry for $$ or just ignorance -seems such a waste of time and all it takes to grow good bud - get you self a scope - i have a mgnifyer glass about 3 x and a radio shack i think its 30 to 100 and a 30 x jewlers loop--i tried a kids toy called eyeclops it is 100 to 400 ,usb , screen, can be projected to puter ..i love it -and hardly use the other three

but mainly i just pull out scope to back my opinion up and i try to tell by buds -the big picture cause trichs wont always be the 100% of 100% of the plants they vary -i have seen trichs that look redy when plant not and trichs that dont look ready when plant is - a good judge but must learn to go by whole picture and zoom into trichs for reasurance

good luck
Sounds good thanks for the reply... I was hoping they were closer lol. But that makes sense.. I have a scope but i hate using it. the general concensus is another 2-3 weeks... thats good enough for me.. ill probably nute for another week and a half then flush for 10 days and call it good... thanks again for the reply