Well-Known Member
Looks like you have the real deal. Twisted leaves and spindly as hell. GG #4 should be easy as hell to clone. In fact, it's one of the easiest strain to clone. 80% of my GG #4 cuttings root in 5-6 days. 20% root in 8-9 days. I get 100% root all the time and I clone by the hundreds. By day 14-17 I get 15" long (possibly longer) roots.I can't get these GG clones to root for the life of me? I pulled 7 and NONE of them were rooted @ 9 days. Cut 3 more to err on the side of caution & also pulled 2 clones from a kosher kush, and here it is day 15 since initial cuts and I have no roots on the GG#4's. The Kosher Kush clones I cut have only been in there for a total of 6 days and I have roots exploding out of the bottom?
Are these GG#4 that hard to clone? WTF
Disregard the 2 with red circles, that's a different strain. This is current. These GG #4 were the slow rooter that was taken 16 days ago.

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