real quick cloning question.


Active Member
i am about to prepare to clone a few of my plants, in reading the cloning guides i understand i should set my clones back to 24/7 light to put them back in the veg cycle, but is it possible to clone and have them grow/survive under my 12/12 flower cycle?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
they simply won't have enough power to survive.
you can try that, but don't expect a high success rate.

you can just get a small box with a ultra-simple PC fan, small hole on the bottom and a +-25W 6500k CFL and you'll be able to achieve way better survival rate.
when they pop a few roots you can move them to flowering already if you want small plants, but they will need a dome on for a week or two to keep the humidity high or the leaves will crumble and die.


Well-Known Member
should just get someones cuttings or order new seeds. I wouldn't waste my time unless doing it for an experiment. which isn't a bad idea in itself. better just to do it and see what kind of prize is in the box.