Real quick watering question.


Well-Known Member
A little back ground----

I have 7 girls they went into FFOF on Jan 20th from clone. I was having some Nitrogen toxicity issues due to feeding them Fox Farms Grow big at 1/4 strength. I began feeding them nutes at 10 12 days in dirt. Fed them this strength for about a week 2-3 feedings. Nad have been feeding them PH adjusted water.

I just transplanted them on the 15th of Feb into (1/2 gal pots)Black forrest / perlite ( 5/6 black forrest 1/6 perlite.) When I transplanted them I gave them alot of water, not running out the bottom but alot none the less.

The girls are looking good (other than claw like leaf formations due to N toxicity) and I have already seen alot of new growth.

My question.

The pots are definatly lighter with out being watered for two days, However they are still heavy. The top couple of inches are pretty dry (where the roots are active) but where the roots have yet to grow is still pretty damp. The leaves are drooping pretty good.

My concern is this. I want the girl's roots to really search out for the water so should I let them go a little longer befor watering again?

And comming from a hot soil ( I knocked off as much soil as I could safely do durring transplant, but rootball was so tight not much soiul was knocked off.) Into a realatively nuetral soil. When would you recomend I start adding Nutes again?


Active Member
Stick your finger in the soil or even dig a little hole with your finger, if the soil is dry about half to the entirety of your fingers length down your good to water. Make sure you do this to multiple spots in your pot to make sure you are getting an average and not just one spot. I usually check once on the outside and once a little closer to the stem. I haven't over watered yet using this method.


Well-Known Member
I have used the finger method (the girls love it ---- oh wait thats a dif blog entirely -- but still fits here :) Around the root ball is dry however the lower half of the pot is still rather damp where the roots have not had the chance to grow yet. SO my question is should I make the girls roots really have to seek out that water in the lower half of the pot before watering again. It has only been 2 days since I transplanted.


Active Member
I don't know anything about making the roots seek water or if that will make your roots grow faster, but I would probably just: water them, let the excess drain out, wait till the soil is dry, and water again. I don't think you have to force the roots to seek out water, they know what they are doing, and besides, better to give them what they want instead of making them panic.


Active Member
leaves drooping (weight system) if the pot is light time to water heavy dont water and for nutes alternate one week rec dose next week just plain water if you constantly nute then thats when they burn nutes stay in your soil even after the soil drys works for me never burn never over or underwater good luck