I'd rather be called dumb by someone who scrapes together logic with a tane soup spoon than be ignorant.
Increase in minimum wage = increase in overall costs for everything. Yes paying the dude at the grocery store to collect carts 2 dollars more an hour will have an impact on your groceries. If you think thats bullshit you need to drop the crack pipe.
is this more of that bogus "econ 101" crap? Or is it "common sense"?
so look at reality for a second instead of theoretical reasoning in a vaccuum.
minimum wage is the only cost that does not float on top of inflation. It is the only artificial.
so, a business pays increasingly more for meat, buns, electricity, gasoline, and even salaries.
so, according too your common sense, high school level economics class, our entire economy is artificial because we SHOULD have been paying a minimum wage that adjusted for inflation.
according to you, our entire economy rides on the backs of teens and WalMart greeters.
the reality should be examined. Adjusted for inflation, these workers should be getting about 22 bucks. So where did that money go?
it either went to keep all prices artificially low, or it went into the pockets of the principles and stock holders.
or do you care to expand on that short sighted notion that a rise in minimum wage must automaticaly make all prices rise?