Real time strategy games

I'd like to see if I can do that with some of the older versions of Civilization. I've been a gamer my whole life, I used to play Avalon Hill board games.

Civilisation and I go 'way back! A play testing group I was a part of tested and submitted rule changes for the Advanced Civilisation expansion to that original board game, and I've played almost every Civilisation release since. Yet my fave is still Civ II.

I hate the 'real time' aspect of RTS so much I just turn the clock off.

another classic rts :) , that game could go on and on, goodtimes~
Anybody remember Mech Warrior? Mech Commander was an RTS take on being the squad leader of a group of battle Mechs on various combat missions.

I'd like to see what that gaming universe could be like with modern graphics! Remake Mech Warrior!
There used to be a place in the Seattle Udistric that had these MechWarior robot like pods that you got into to play. Great times bahaha lots of fun.
Playing farcry4 now
There used to be a place in the Seattle Udistric that had these MechWarior robot like pods that you got into to play. Great times bahaha lots of fun.
Playing farcry4 now

They had those at Dave&Busters in Denver, too. I might look like an old fart but I know my way around a MadCat! They were like WTF! Good times!
I've been playing GO (Weiqi?) on my tablet as of late.
It's surprisingly difficult despite the Othello-like simplicity, with a peculiar sense of strategy which is quite different from Chess.
Just finished a game of Civ 5, and it left me vaguely disappointed. The best part of the whole game was the rampage of the giant death machines. Otherwise it's Civ 2 with too many unnecessary graphics.

Maybe I'm just getting old and I'm finding other games more rewarding...

...What do we do every night, Pinkie?!?
Just got gifted (age of mythology - extended edition) , its a decent rts to burn time. Also got (act of aggression) since someone mentioned it was a C&C clone-- its okay.. but i would still recommend C&C over it~
What about Supreme Commander? God, if you love RTS you have to check it out. The first game is much better in my opinion than the second, but to each their own.

The game allows you to actually focus on economics and the camera placement gives an overall "overlord" feel to it.

HIGHLY recommend it to all RTS lovers, although a word of caution, some games take 2+ hours to finish.


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