Realistic Goal?


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the deal I ordered 5 fem g13 white widow seeds, that with the cost of supplies ended up at $140 where I'm from that's about 8 grams of some good smoke. So I was wondering if it was even worth it my friend told me that I probably will only get about 5 grams dry making me lose money as I could just buy more for the same amount of money. I understand that there are to many variable to calculate a yield but what would be the bare minimum of 5 plants outdoor?


Well-Known Member
out door you have a real chance of loosing it all so zero is the bare min.
Ok well say 5 of them lived what would a bad yield be last year I got about 3 grams off of some bagseed and that was in bad conditions and it had almost no care.


Active Member
Ok well say 5 of them lived what would a bad yield be last year I got about 3 grams off of some bagseed and that was in bad conditions and it had almost no care.
man thats really sad. get some chicken wire fence domes around your plants. and youll pull atleast 2ox dry per plant if they are in full light condition. and fed nutrients.


Well-Known Member
man thats really sad. get some chicken wire fence domes around your plants. and youll pull atleast 2ox dry per plant if they are in full light condition. and fed nutrients.
Yeah it was pretty sad but it was just the area I did it in I found it during winter so when the trees grew back in there was no direct light I'm doing it right this year nice area with direct light and some good seeds. Thanks for an actual useful response.
i dont see why you couldent get a few oz off each plant as long as you take care of them and that is not that hard just go there once or twice a week and sounds like you learnd from your last try so just dont do the same thing twice and you should be cool.

good luck and be safe this season


Active Member
You can take some clones from the females and plant them too giving you more plants.Just cut a node from each plant and put them under 12/12 indoors to see which ones are girls.


Well-Known Member
You can take some clones from the females and plant them too giving you more plants.Just cut a node from each plant and put them under 12/12 indoors to see which ones are girls.
Yeah that what I plan is I'm going to start them inside and top the first 5 and use the cutting for clones and so on until it is time to put them out I should have about 35 clones and 5 from seed and they are all feminize seeds so its all good on that part I'm going to keep a few of them indoors though just as insurance


If you can not pull more than 20 grams a plant indoors or out, find a new hobby. If you truely put thought and effort into this and spend more money on some good nutes you should easily see 2 ozs or more per plant. Strain specifics don't really apply here, as if you let it suffer the yield will suffer also.


Well-Known Member
What nutes would you recommend because I was just going to use some compost and potting soil and perilite. I plan to drop the 5 gallon buckets and dig a bed that will fit 3 across and 15 down how deep should I make it though I read that the roots go about 1 ft down and 3 wide.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I said I got that yield off of some shit weed I was asking about the specific strain which I listed above Asshole
Quit being so childish - asking about yield with the information provided is silly. The variables are very important & with out that how do you expect to recieve anything other than a Non-SWAG.
3G a plant taken to finish? Focus on your growing techniques and worry about strain questions once you have a solid grasp of basics.
Back to the question - I see the g13 WW is being listed by canaseed at 400-550 grams per square meter indoors - if one were to start them early and veg up until spring when they would be transplanted outdoors I don't see why an experienced grower couldn't pull a minimum of 10 oz per plant.
But, key word is experienced.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Ok here's the deal I ordered 5 fem g13 white widow seeds, that with the cost of supplies ended up at $140 where I'm from that's about 8 grams of some good smoke. So I was wondering if it was even worth it my friend told me that I probably will only get about 5 grams dry making me lose money as I could just buy more for the same amount of money. I understand that there are to many variable to calculate a yield but what would be the bare minimum of 5 plants outdoor?
if i cut a string how long will it be ......... same type question how about some real details


Well-Known Member
with the experience you have so far, i think you may want to build more experience with more bagseed. If it were me, I would plant 1 of the g13's, and then a few bagseeds in a few different areas. but as one person said if it is outside you could lose it all. fire, drought, flood, animals (fucking stoner deer and rabbits, no wonder they fuck so much), lack of nutrients, etc, etc. I understand wanting to get your return on investment, but sometimes you have to lose money to make money, or MJ in this case.

for nutrients, keep it simple. pickup some fish emulsions from home depot, or some osmocote. you have made it clear your worried about making your money back. so dont blow a lot.

There is really no answer that will help you, you ultimately need to decide for yourself if you thnk you can grow a plant that will yield more than 8 grams. but you shouldnt start a grow worring about the small stuff like getting a return on investment, your setting yourselfup for failure.


Well-Known Member
I do believe that you should post more details to get better answers...What is the temperature where you live for the times that you want to grow? What nutrients will you be using ( get Fox Farms)? What type of soil, or medium? The more details you give the better the answers that you will receive.


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously trying to start shit over the internet it was a simple question asking for a rough estimate of the yield of a g13 labs white widow plant grown in poor condtions not a big deal if you have a problem with the question then don't click on the thread I couldn't care less about sitting here reading your useless comments.


Well-Known Member
with the experience you have so far, i think you may want to build more experience with more bagseed. If it were me, I would plant 1 of the g13's, and then a few bagseeds in a few different areas. but as one person said if it is outside you could lose it all. fire, drought, flood, animals (fucking stoner deer and rabbits, no wonder they fuck so much), lack of nutrients, etc, etc. I understand wanting to get your return on investment, but sometimes you have to lose money to make money, or MJ in this case.

for nutrients, keep it simple. pickup some fish emulsions from home depot, or some osmocote. you have made it clear your worried about making your money back. so dont blow a lot.

There is really no answer that will help you, you ultimately need to decide for yourself if you thnk you can grow a plant that will yield more than 8 grams. but you shouldnt start a grow worring about the small stuff like getting a return on investment, your setting yourselfup for failure.

Thanks for the info as for the experience I have learned much from the last grow such as the location soil nutes training and so on so I plan to improve through trial and error, the reason I decided to buy some actual seeds is because I believe that I will have a successful grow with this newfound info.