Really BAD tasting bud? How to fix?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Sprayed a plant that was ready for drying with sulpher/anti-mold fluid(it had some mold around leaves) then i set to dry, all the mold is gone, but it smells like sulpher,

The bud tastes HORRIBLE, almost like chemical/earthy taste. But it is smooth.
IT has been curing for 2 weeks.

CAN i water cure this to remove nasty smell and taste?

(not my grow btw, my friends)


Well-Known Member
Good question. If you already cured it and it still tastes like shit then you may have to just deal with it. Have you tried putting a lemon or orange peel in with the curing jar?


Well-Known Member
well only been 9 days of curing, the smell IS dying down, but the taste and odor is still there.

Water curing wont work?


Well-Known Member
I Would imagine water curing would atleast help because it makes regular weed taste less "weedy" or however you explain it lol. Give it a try, worst thing that happens is it doesnt work and its alittle smoother than it is now.


Well-Known Member
i would suggest putting lettuce and some orange peels in there for 15 minutes then change out the shit and do it one more time


Well-Known Member
water cure some of it and see if it helps, if it did then do it all, if not then remember not to use that shit again.