:-? really dont know what the problem is n im banging my :wall:


Well-Known Member
:-? right as u can see . had previous problems and thought it was maybe nitro def but carnt be as still yellowing n if i keep taking the yellow off ill ave no leaves left . there currently get water with10ml of dutch pro explode at 6.4 every other day liter each gave then three feeds of canna mono nitro but stopped tht now. on day 37 of 12/12 and carnt help but think im not doi g the gurls right . they are under two 600 hids and are blue cheese and armogedan n some mystery strain lol but seriously any advice would be greatfully appreciated and any tips also as to how well the lookin for there stage as i seem to think im under performing thanks in advance20121012_142447.jpg20121012_142447.jpg20121012_142501.jpg20121012_142501.jpg


Well-Known Member
Turn off your lights when taking pics please

Plants will drop the fan leafs they do not need when getting later into flowering


Well-Known Member
looks like N deficiancy to me with the leaves yellowing on the lower leaves first. also i can see yellowing in between the veins of the leaf, thats another indication. give it some extra N + Mg


Well-Known Member
Turn off your lights when taking pics please

Plants will drop the fan leafs they do not need when getting later into flowering
Day 35 is far from late flower no matter what strain you grow man.. day 28-35 is where they should start swelling the most!


Well-Known Member
STOP pulling leaves off, and just let them fall off when ready.
Looks like you have a little N deficiency, but not bad.
IDK what is in the Dutch you mentioned, but just stop worrying unless it worsens.
I think you're just over reacting and panicking, about it.
The leaves will fall off when the plant has no more use for them, but yellow leaves are still functioning, so let the plant do it's own thing.


Well-Known Member
That yellowing is normal and it usually starts about 3 weeks into flower,If you had nitrogen deficiency it wouldn't yellow evenly it would start from the tip of the leaves and progress back and then up.


Well-Known Member
well i will leave them on now then. so do u think i shoud start adding some N again n see how it goes? and also was only gonna let em go for another 4weeks ? wht u think ? and THANKS AGAIN GUYS


Well-Known Member
Ya, if you're going to go another 4 weeks give it one shot of some N.
The yellow leaves will not repair themselves, so don't panic.


Well-Known Member
The ph is out causing the N def amongst others. Every watering and feed didnt go in at 6.5 and you let the soil dry too much between waterings. Should be fatter so im guessing the wrong ph is also causing P and K def giving you the skinny buds you have here.


Well-Known Member
also had fans n filter switch off with lights out n changed that to hr on hr off while lighrs where out n thats when this started so maybe that ??


Well-Known Member
definitely not your fans and filter being off....it looks pretty normal to me....plants use up nitrogen in the leaves in flowering....id leave them on until they really used up and then pull em...