really high temps


Well-Known Member
hi all

I have been hitting some really high temps lately with this warm weather ? just over a 100F .are they ok with that or is it bad ??? .

I have extractor on ,large osculating fan and incoming air .


Well-Known Member
Its too hot mate, either get the temps down to 80-85 or dont grow in summer again.
Grow at night
Air con


Well-Known Member
no they look ok ,apart from a few slight yellow leaf tips ,few odd dots hear there nothing to worried about,
got incoming air + big osculating fan + extractor fan ,I keep dumidifier off at day time have it on all night time only .

like you say ,good idea to switch light cycle on at night time .off in day .

what's it do to buds ,HOT TEMPS ? or can the plant tolerate some warm spells .
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