really need help selecting first seeds


Well-Known Member
I am growing THC Bomb. It is a bushy indica type hybrid with massive bud production. There are many reviews on the internet about this strain.
Bomb seeds seems to have pretty stable genetics. There is very little bad to be said about them if you look into it.
I have harvested this strain three times and each time I am surprised by how much this plant stacks buds!
They literally fill the entire branches all the way to the main stem.
I don't SOG, but it seems like this one would crank out a massive yield.
Oh.. and the smoke is soooo strong!


Well-Known Member
i can get one strain and only. i have a perpetual sog. im wanting to buy my first seeds but have no idea who or what. ive looked hard at tga but everytime i look into a strain i hear about herms. ive never had hermie issues and definately dont want that, im too broke for cali conn etc, under 50 bucks please:) can anyone tell me a reliably frosty plant that finishes in 8 weeks or so without bisexual tendencies? also a slight stretch in flowering good for my sog? ....oh and i love the landrace sativas im currently growing so a real nice indica thats vigorous anda bit of stretch i dont like to veg
Lots of questions here. I'll answer them indirectly.

On cost, you're focusing on the wrong thing. If you're intending to grow dozens and dozens of plants over a long time, another $50 in bean cost is negligible compared to cost of your time/labor, nutes, lights, etc. If it costs $100 to find the perfect plant for you, rather than $50, I really wouldn't sweat it. If you need to, save your money up for another month and buy the strain you know will work best.

Perpetual SOG is a good way to grow. . .but you indicate that you're growing your first plant from ceed. Do you have enough experience for SOG? You need to be able to maintain a mother plant and generate clones for this. Since this isn't your first grow, you must have grown from either gifted plants or clones. Do you have access to a suitable clone so you won't have to start form ceed? If you're in a place where you can get clones, I'd look there first.

Pure indica or indica-dominant strains work the best for SOG since they tend to stay short and bulk out, plus they tend to finish quickly and not to be too branchy. Landrace sativas are about the exact opposite of what you want for a SOG.

As an example of one I know about the Williams Wonder in my sig would work great for SOG (and in fact, the original ad description from 1988 says its good for the "plantlet" method. . .which is what SOG was called before the early 1990s!). Its because this one is main cola dominant, stays short and makes super fat heavy buds. Back in the day, people used to run Northern lights this way, and that one is well suited, if you can find a good version of it (which isn't necessarily so easy).

There are also any number of others that could work too. For $50 (or less), the Sannie indica mix pack will give you 12 good ceeds from three different strains to play with. Chances are good you'd find something in there worth keeping for a mother.

TGA has lots of hybrids, many sativa-mix plants, and reportedly they're not all stable. I'm sure they have some indica-dominant plant or more than one that could work for this, but this isn't where I'd be looking first.