Really worried please help


New Member
image.jpg image.jpg Hi all I feel that I'm going to lose these babies and don't know what to do.
They are northern light fem.
I am doing a dwc with 5.8ph canna a-b vega with cal mag and super thrieve.
Second week veg under 250hps duel spectrum hps.
Temp and humidity is 70f 60%
I have been using less than recommended dosage as I don't want to over nute.
Because I am using less than recommend dosage am I under nuteing and as the result my plant leaves are turning yellow brown and dying off ?
Sorry for the hps pictur in advanceimage.jpg

Please help


Active Member
Keep an eye on the new growth and maybe check your roots

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New Member
Thank you for your input guys. I have been searching high and low on all sorts of sites and I have narrowed it down to cal mg and maybe nitrogen deficient.
Is there anything I can add apart from my normal nutes to give addition nitrogen in my dwc ?


Well-Known Member
Its not getting enough nutes and i think a wrong ph could be the reason. Your feeding it and it looks starving, usually ph issue.