Rebecca Black "Friday" Went Viral Cause of the Devil Messages when Played Backwards?

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Seen some pix online of Michael J. He was throwen up the 666 when he was just a little kid, and i guess later he tried to change his ways, I dunnu call me weird, but im no weirder then Lady GaGa and her Judas song during lent, wich was the most requested no coincidence in the timeing when it was released.


Well-Known Member
I know all about how satan has infiltrated music and entertainment in MANY aspect. Aleister Crowley was a famous satanist that taught through worship of satan you could become a "Genius in music." It's no surprise that almost every highly successful music "artist" from Sarah McLaughlin, and Lady Gaga to Jay Z and Beyonce all are interested in Crowley and his works and writings. Crowley taught things like channeling, and automatic writing, and admittiedly sodomized and sacrificed over 1000 young boys in his day. Michael Jackson was one of the most obsessed with Crowley celebrities we have had in our lifetime. Eeven going as far as having a room of mirrors installed in his mansion where he could channel demons or familiar spirits.

Anyways once again I have studied this stuff for the past 3 years....and wickedness in high places has infiltrated everything from music and movies, to consumer products.

Anyways I was just watching the Rebecca Black video friday reversed and at 4:02-4:11 she says, Satan is thy name, he's human now, my man Barack."

I will provide the link below to the exact video.
I love how anything that challenges you close-minded fools sense of ideals, its satanic. Anything that starts to take money from the church, or speak against the floods of pedophiles that flock to your gods good graces, and its satanic.

Ninety percent of the evil in this world are those who use their power and influence to control, oppress, and frighten those that can't think for themselves. Religion is among the top 5 on that list.


Well-Known Member
question: what if bob dylan sang friday?

answer: it would be fucking awesome.
