Rebuilding My10ft x 13ft Flower Room!!


Well-Known Member
It's been many years since my wife has agreed to allow me to run everything indoors.

For the past several years I have been forced to veg plants indoors over the winter, but then put them outside in May, now I am getting the green light for a small indoor flowering room..

I have a room that is 10ft x 13ft x 7.5ft

In this room I will be covering the walls with panda film, the floors I will use some sort of tarp..

I have 1 8inch Inline fan that I will be exhausting directly outside through a makeshift vent..
2 oscillating fans that will blow air around the room
8inch booster fan for intake

600w HPS

I know this is no where close to the lights I need for this room, but with my limited budget at the moment "due to crazy outdoor garden expenses", I will be adding on to this room slowly as I go.

I will be running everything in organic pre mixed soil, top dress with teas and such along the way..

Garden renovations are starting now and I am hoping to have something up and running by sometime next month..

Pics to come..
With my ventilation, I am a bit short on CFM's but I am hoping what I have right now will work for this winter and I'll add to it more next year..

As of right now I can exchange the air in this room 4 x's in 1 min, "I am going for that 5x's, but I need either another 4inch inline or replace the 8inch with a 12inch"

975 cfm = total cfm of room
740 cfm = 8inch inline fan

This should exchange the room right at 4x's per min.. But through passive airflow from going in and out of the room hopefully will make up some of that difference for now..

Edit: My 8in inline will not be attached to a carbon filter, so there will be no reduction from that, I will also have it running a straight line outside, no 90 degree turns.
I have the exact same size flower room. I run four 600w HPS's and 2 CMH's over 14 plants.

I'm not sure you'll have to up the CFM....I have 2 400 CFM's running at about 1/2 speed and the hoods are cool to the touch. By the sounds of it you don't have worries about bud-stink outside.....even though I live in a legal state, I don't like advertising my grow. A carbon filter is relatively inexpensive and a good ounce of prevention if you ask me.

I went with white paint on the walls and panda on the ceiling....paint was just a cheaper option when I built it.

One thing I'm glad I have is a floor drain.

Good luck with your room. I had much fun planning and building mine and I bet you are too.
I have a brand new 8inch carbon filter that came with the inline, but I don't really see the point in using it. It will reduce the airflow and stealth isn't a concern really.. I live in Canada, it's legal here :)

I also live on 200 acre plot, my neighbors would be hard pressed to smell it "if they did, they wouldn't care as they grow their own".

If 1 8inch fan works then I will stick with that and save some expenses.

As long as I can exhaust the smell outside, the wife will be happy "after 16 years of being married to a grower/pothead" she's more use to it now.
With just those 2 lights in that size room your ventilation will be just fine. Once you actually light the room up proper you’ll have to reconfigure things
With just those 2 lights in that size room your ventilation will be just fine. Once you actually light the room up proper you’ll have to reconfigure things
Yes, I was expecting to add more venting as I add more lights..
I am waiting for the 8inch exhaust vent to come in, hopefully it should be in tomorrow and we will start putting up the venting system..

I will be picking up black and white panda film next weekend and we will finish building this room before the month is up..

I will start adding pics here soon, I am getting before and after pics that I will post when its done..
I placed a hygrometer/temp gauge in this room earlier..

Right now that room is sitting at 60 degrees and 62% humidity, with no fans, no air moving or anything..

I am expecting the RH% to drop dramatically when I start running all this air in and out of this room and the temps will also be dropping as we get into the fall/winter months.
Exhaust vent came in today, we are about to board off the window and start getting the vent system all in order.
Construction has begun.. I will be sanding don the walls, cleaning them again and start to prep for the panda film I will be getting soon, the walls took a beating from that gorilla tape I had on it before, that's ok, I will repair it as I go..

Window is boarded off, 8inch has been hung, exhaust vent is running outside..

I still have to go back in and add insulation between the boards and fully seal off the hole, I will then panda film everything..

8inch exhaust fan

Here is where temps and rh% are at right before I turned on the fan, it is dropping since I have it running..
Construction has begun.. I will be sanding don the walls, cleaning them again and start to prep for the panda film I will be getting soon, the walls took a beating from that gorilla tape I had on it before, that's ok, I will repair it as I go..

Window is boarded off, 8inch has been hung, exhaust vent is running outside..

I still have to go back in and add insulation between the boards and fully seal off the hole, I will then panda film everything..

8inch exhaust fan
View attachment 5198767

Here is where temps and rh% are at right before I turned on the fan, it is dropping since I have it running..
View attachment 5198769
Looks like I need to add a new battery and reset the date :)
I went ahead and hung the SF4000 to test it.. @Spiderfarmerled

It works..

I still have a lot more construction on this room to come over the next few weeks, but I will be up and running soon.. I need to get panda film this week and some white gorilla tape.

My first log I will be doing an SF4000 vs 600w HPS comparison journal..

I would love to test an LED against this, but I'm not sure the sf4000 could stack up to it?

The first round of strains Im doing..

Sorry about the sideway pics, I just took one of buddies muffins and them fekers put you sideways.

More updates to come..
I forgot to mention that I will be adding a green over head light so I can work in the room when lights are off..

I will also be adding some type of covering over the exhaust vent to avoid light leaks coming in from the grey vent hose "I didn't have an 8inch black vent hose, and they are not standard at Home Depot".
My last 6inch vent was black insulated, this one is grey thin "but its a make shift to get started.. "ill order a better one if I have to".
I picked up a staple gun and some staples "I forgot the gorilla tape"..

I am getting the 8in four layer ducting hose, I can not take any chances with the current ducting.

Panda film will also be here soon..

These are also going to be ran on the next round..
My Rh% is a bit higher then I would like, I thought the fan would bring it down more then it did..

I will be getting a dehumidifier soon.. I am in the process of looking at a decent one that will be affordable.

In the meantime I have a 12,000 btu portable ac unit I will use if it gets too out of control.

Right now temps are 62 grees, with 67% rh.. I need that rh down more..
This weeks check list..

1. Reroute power to the flower room.. Buddy electrician is coming over this week and we are going to redo the wiring in the flower room.. I am having dedicated outlets for the lights and fans in this room "I dont want to be tripping breakers".

2. Cleaning walls/floors, spray them down and get ready for panda film..

3. Hang panda film "I am getting this later this week'

4. Redo 8inch duct hose with a 4 layer insulated black hose "getting it later this week"

5. Starting to pre mix soil "getting the stuff late this week"

6. Figure out dehumidifier

7. Hang 600w hps, "mount ballast"

I will see what else there is to do after all this is done.. I have a very busy 4 weeks+ ahead of me so Im going to do the best I can..