Rebuilding My10ft x 13ft Flower Room!!

Quick room update:

#6 on the list is in the works, this one may be a battle with the wife but.. lol

We just bought this Noma 3-1 10,000 btu portable AC unit, it has a built in dehumidifier and a heater..

The wife thinks she is loaning it to me for temp use in the basement :)

She doesn't realize this is going to end up into a fight when she tries to take it back lol..
With my ventilation, I am a bit short on CFM's but I am hoping what I have right now will work for this winter and I'll add to it more next year..

As of right now I can exchange the air in this room 4 x's in 1 min, "I am going for that 5x's, but I need either another 4inch inline or replace the 8inch with a 12inch"

975 cfm = total cfm of room
740 cfm = 8inch inline fan

This should exchange the room right at 4x's per min.. But through passive airflow from going in and out of the room hopefully will make up some of that difference for now..

Edit: My 8in inline will not be attached to a carbon filter, so there will be no reduction from that, I will also have it running a straight line outside, no 90 degree turns.
Thats a subtantial amount of air typical ac is 400 cfm per ton. is it mostly for cooling needs?
Thats a subtantial amount of air typical ac is 400 cfm per ton. is it mostly for cooling needs?
I am trying to maintain a stable environment.. I live up North, it gets very cold up here, so this isnt really for cooling, its more for fresh air..

According to cfm charts and size of my room I am not going overkill with what I have so far, I want that 5x air exchange per min, anything less then that is not going to do.
I get my way with my wife, "tho sometimes I may have to fight harder for some things" but whatever I need to get to keep this environment stable I will get..

I know my wife will be happy to hear when all my garden expenses are done for the year.. Fek me, over 3k+ spent on garden supplies this year and still counting.. :)

Maybe next year my wife can take a trip to a tropical island "thats if she hides the vacation money good enough" :)
Is the make up air being pulled from the house or directly outside? If pulling from the house means lots of air you already paid to condition is going outside and costing a boat load of money
Is the make up air being pulled from the house or directly outside? If pulling from the house means lots of air you already paid to condition is going outside and costing a boat load of money
I do not have central air, the people who had this house built did not opt to put one in.. This was/is not going to be our permanent home so we just have not installed one yet.. "tho I am talking to her about it"..

Instead we use fans and portable units to help maintain environment.
Now what i may be tempted to do once i figured out my CFM requirements i may put a tee on the discharge air and have the ability to recirc x amount if not all back into the space on low temps . This could actually add some heat into your house increasing your efficiency x amount as well as add some humidity back into your conditioned space so actually more increase in efficiency as moisture is considered a latent heat load.
OA temps above x amount close bypass tee or start modulating toward close until you find your sweet spot.
I suspect your wife my like the potential savings :)
I personally really like Infinity proportional controllers for the price i think they are hard to beat.
I do not have central air, the people who had this house built did not opt to put one in.. This was/is not going to be our permanent home so we just have not installed one yet.. "tho I am talking to her about it"..

Instead we use fans and portable units to help maintain environment.
I used it as a sizing reference meaning to put in perspective how much air we are talking in CFM
Now what i may be tempted to do once i figured out my CFM requirements i may put a tee on the discharge air and have the ability to recirc x amount if not all back into the space on low temps . This could actually add some heat into your house increasing your efficiency x amount as well as add some humidity back into your conditioned space so actually more increase in efficiency as moisture is considered a latent heat load.
OA temps above x amount close bypass tee or start modulating toward close until you find your sweet spot.
I suspect your wife my like the potential savings :)
I personally really like Infinity proportional controllers for the price i think they are hard to beat.
I was also thinking about running the exhaust upstairs for heating in the winter.. We were just talking about this today.. I can run carbon filters and exhaust the filtered heated air upstairs, maybe this will allow us to run less heaters upstairs.
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I am wondering if an actual dehumidifier would be better, or maybe Im just trying to find ways to waste money..
I know there will come a time when my wife wants this ac unit back, so I will have to get something, I just dont know what yet.
I hate running these big ass 8inches, there are no fittings for them at any standard box store, everything has to be ordered.

This may be a dumb question, but if you are going to run at a reduced rate, couldn't you get a reducer and hook filter directly to the fan and then step the fan down from 8" to 6" and then use common stock products?
I want that 5x air exchange per min, anything less then that is not going to do
Is this open for debate? reason i ask if not for cooling needs then the plant would use up all it needs in the environment every 12 sec?

Maybe we can get some of the closers to swing in here to; verify your sizing. or can you share your sizing literature.
I was also thinking about running the exhaust upstairs for heating in the winter.. We were just talking about this today.. I can run carbon filters and exhaust the filtered heated air upstairs, maybe this will allow us to run less heaters upstairs.
Less heaters upstairs = more lighting for my garden :)
I want that 5x air exchange per min, anything less then that is not going to do
Is this open for debate? reason i ask if not for cooling needs then the plant would use up all it needs in the environment every 12 sec?a5/60=

Maybe we can get some of the closers to swing in here to; verify your sizing. or can you share your sizing literature.
Everything is up for debate, I am not mr know it al, nor even close to Einstein.. I love all advice and points of views, it helps me figure out the best solution.
Everything is up for debate, I am not mr know it al, nor even close to Einstein.. I love all advice and points of views, it helps me figure out the best solution.
Same here my friend take what i say with a grain of salt but , i suspect your min air requirements should be considerable less so that should save a decent amount of money could be worth checking into :)
It seems depends on who you ask, will determine what answer you get..

Im reading you want to exchange the air 1-3 times a min, 5 times in a min.. once every 2 mins.. So yeah lol. I just blow air at it til they look happy haha, jk..

I had an 8inch fan that was like 10 years old that I bought as a combo deal, when I bought it I was going to put it in a 4x4 tent, but then when I seen all the work I needed to do I said fek it and tossed it to the side.. I put less then 2 hours on this fan lol, I figured fek it, according to the air charts its right in that range.. Im not sure the exact cfm on this 8inch, but it should be over 700
LOl I hope my high dyslexic ass hasn't always had the numbers backwards.. Ive just blasted air until it feels comfortable lol.. This year Im all getting scientific with it..

I am reading its 1 time every 5 mins, 1 time every 2 mins, 1-3 times a min.. fek me which one is it lol..

I also think my dyslexic ass got the numbers confused with exhausting I think. Cubic feet for 10x13x7.5 = 975 cubic feet..

So now let my dumb ass try to comprehend this..

If my room is 975 cubic feet, my fan is 700ish cfm.. then I am not even exchanging the air 1x per min..

Im confusing myself here, I need another dab..