Rec'd Nearly done PLANTS Need help about to harvest! Pics


Active Member
OK GUYS my buddy had to get rid of his setup and gave me 4 plants with a 1000w hps. I f'd up the timer so they had like 2 days of a fuked up light cycle (18 HOURS STRAIGHT LIGHT)and he went to jail so i didnt know how he had his timer set. Will it hurt the plant if the 12/12 changed times like 5am-5pm instead of noon to midnight? Anyways I harvested a few small buds I THINK they got a week left what you guys think? the trichomes are cloudy and i didnt see any amber yet. and that weighs 3.3 but its wet I cant imagine that is gonna be less than a gram when dry, unless the buds shrink in half when they dry??? ANY input is appreciated...


one of the colas broke at the top but it just cracked and fell over didnt completely break off, Should i just prop it up and let em finish? Thanks in advance for all your help guys



Active Member
do you have any pics of the plants? the buds you clipped don't look anywhere near close... those buds still have a lot of filling out to do.


Active Member
forsure pics of each plant 2m if theres more time needed than i THINK i might to help with ferts but,

How long does it take for cloudy trichomes to turn amber? (min and max i know theres no certain time)

Keep in mind this is my second grow and the first one i couldnt finish cause my plants were stolen... I had mandala seeds Fox farm soil they made it into flowering and it was awesome but thanks for the help i really need it.


I accept with information: it might hurt the plant a bit but with so little time left should be ok might get a little hurm.


Active Member
I got the pocket microscope 60x-100x but Its hard to tell if there amber so far I've only seen cloudy! any guesses on timer left or weight? I know you can give exacts but a guess would suffice :)


Well-Known Member
Just re-read your original post. No Amber yet. But cloudy. I would flush them out with 2-3 gallons o water and feed only mollasses at this point. Ur very close to harvest time. Does he want any of the weed? U gotta bail him out with it? Im here for the longhaul(not very much longer) if i can help anyway.


Well-Known Member
I've found the only way I can look at a buds trichs under a microscope is to cut off the bud and place it on the table to look at.
Good Luck


Active Member
Thanks alot fditty I appreciate it!

I have been looking at it on the table and just ripping off little buds

They never had any ferts so should I still flush? really 2-3 weeks? What if the leaves start getting worse (more yellow)??? a


Active Member
Also I am just taking a ounce and giving him the rest, he did all the work I'll still get $480 out of it but i'll prolly give out a quarter to my gf for x-mas and a couple sacks to friends for gifts and sell the rest lol im really broke...


Well-Known Member
Leaves turn yellow and fall off at the end of their life. I have had white widows with all of the fans leaves off by the time they were ready. No nutes? those are sizable for no nutes. Teas, guanos? Anything? Most of the hairs are red?