Received a Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics kit for free

So I got this kit for free from a buddy, doesn't look like it's ever been used from what I can tell. The nutes don't even seem to have been opened. I've read a few threads about it but nothing that I can see about a full start to finish grow with one.

A couple of observations, the top on the main reservoir has six small holes that seem far too close to grow cannabis. Maybe just two plants on opposing ends? The net pots sure seem small to sustain a plants full life cycle though. Maybe ditch that part all together and go soil?

The single 85w CFL's are huge! I'm sure I'll need more that just the one to really get a decent grow going. I was thinking of buying one more of each to have two veg and two flowering and some smaller supplemental CFL's as well.

The nutes are something I'm a little cloudy on. If the included nutes are for "hydro", does that make them useless if I were to go soil? I'd hate to seem them go to waste.

That's pretty much all the questions/observations I have. Any guidance would be great! I know I need a groom "room" but that'll come soon. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
I would say that its kind of pointless to go soil in a hydro set up, might as well sell it and get a good light. However if you do decide to go hydro, you will definitely need more lights. I would go with a 150whps or a 250w, the cfls will be a pain to adjust every day trust me. You could also use a florescent tube light, I would use bagseed for the first grow so if you fuck it up you dont loose money
I'm not sure I could even get bag seed out here in CO ha

I'm not saying using the hydro setup for soil per se, but scrap the hydro for a more simple soil setup using the CFL's. I also intend to CFL's as a light source, MH/HPS will produce too much heat for the small space I'll be likely working with. I live in an apartment so discretion is a must.


Well-Known Member
ok, then I would suggest you use 105w cfls, they have decent lumen/watt ratio and are cheap on amazon. The veg bulbs are 2 for $20 and the flower bulbs are one for about $17. Since you live in CO you could sell the kit on craigslist fast
That's what I was thinking, along the lines of a simple grow a la buds for less. Use what I can and sell the rest.

As far as the nutes that are included, probably a dumb question, but are they at all useable if I go soil? My gut says they're useless.
Out here in the CO with you!

I'd go organic soil.. I was given a dwc for free basically the same system but with just a single plant. IMO hydro is efficient, but unless you have a scheduled time everyday to tend to the system, you will probably be behind what the plant needs. I struggled with nute mix, ph issues, mag defficiencies, and finally root rot did me in for my first attempt. If you plan on using the cfls, those will also require daily attention. I found that the hydro maintence along with the requirement to adjust the cfl lights daily were too much for me.

I've since setup another plant in organic soil and it's much easier for my busy schedule.