Recieved broken bulb from HTGsupply....No help from CSR


I've spent well over $600 at HTG in the past few months....Just received a digi ballast kit from them and the Bulb was broken.. Called to try and get them to ship out a new one with no luck what so ever... Guy on the phone barely spoke English and was rude/seemed rushed......

Not at all what I've come to expect from them, guess I'll do all my shopping locally from now on :?


New Member
That is not typical service from them as far as I know. I have always read of good service from them. I specifically ordered magnetic ballast systems and received digital. I called and they were back ordered so they said keep the digital stuff plus send me what I originally wanted. That was very cool.


Active Member
I would call back and ask to speak with someone else... I go to their store direct as it is only 30 minutes away from me and they are great guys to work with. I have never had a problem with HTG at all.


I agree...they usually have VERY good Customer service... Still not sure if it was a temp or not...May just drive up to the store as its only 3 hours away.. and I need more stuff.. Who knows really. I did pick up a bulb from a local shop. Think its a Sunleaves Optilum? Anyone ever use them and have opinions?


New Member
If you ordered the bulb online then don't bring it to the store. The stores and the online business are two different companies. I'm not sure how it works but I think the stores are individually owned and they pay a fee to the parent company which runs the online business.

Call this number 1-866-710-4769 and ask for Joseph or Perry. They'll take care of you. If they don't then send me an PM and I'll see what I can do. I refuse to shop there but those guys are cool and I still run into them every now and again at shows.


Active Member
ask to speak to a supervisor right away...i havent ever had to call that company but ive worked for a few companies like them and the regular phone people cant always solve the problem but supervisors always can