recipe thingy?


Well-Known Member
Does anyvody else think it might be a good idea to start a recipe thingy where you go to find something to make that interest you, not just with weed in it but all sorts of easy shit to make when your high and got the munchies?

I mean after all we are POTHEADs and potheads gotta eat!:mrgreen:

I got the munchies like a motherfucker!



Well-Known Member
I might convert my decaying website into an online stoners recipe book. OF course, i need recipes first people. SO get cracking. Email me you're recipes to and after i have a sufficient ammount of recipes i will make a website jsut for thme. I need about 10-15 recipes to start. Come on people!



Well-Known Member
I think that would be a great idea... make sure you include some easy shit you can whip together in 10 minutes... cause we all know how lazy we can get......