Recipie for Vermicompost


Well-Known Member
My first batch of vermicompost may be ready to harvest soon.
Would anyone help either guide me to a site or share how to mix the vermicompost.
I most likely will use a 3 gallon pot indoors, and have a good qty of perlite already.
I have noticed the vermicompost is a bit like mud.
Mixed some with some loose barky mix and it locked up the porostiy.
No more free flow of water was like a stopper.



Well-Known Member
Did a lot of experimenting with my vermicompost/castings and found that once you get over 20% in your MIX, you get that 'mud' effect, no matter the amount of perlite.

You are still going to need a base mix to add the VC to, like LC's soiless mix.



I use coco, peat, vermiculite, and perlite to make a base mix, then add 10% worm compost, and 5% poultry litter and then let it age. You might still need to amend with ironite or greensand.

If you have soil that you've used in the past, I like to re-use it by screening it and then amending with worm compost. Once you start using castings, your soil should be treated like a live organism - feed it and re-use it rather than throwing it away. The worms will even hatch in it and help keep pathogens from taking hold. I had a ton of worms hatch in the last bucket I pulled.