Recommendation: Cheap PPFD meter?

How's that meter working for you, for $85 it's not bad if it works and is durable? I wonder how well it matches up to a potobio that people really seem to like.

Anyways, I'm also looking at the uni-t and pairing it up with my android phone using the ppfd app. Right now I just have 3500k leds but have some 2700/3500k with about 10% UV/IR strips I'm going to build out soon so I need something accurate enough to not under light them or burn them.

Hopefully somebody, maybe the app devs, can work with somebody to put a broad range sensor in a ABS case with BT like the uni-t. They should be able to throw a rock in china and get something like this for cheap. Then we can just pair up a good sensor that can see the full spectrum we're wanting and use the app which should double as a spectrum analyzer.
It works great. Honestly I think they're all going to be a little off unless you calibrate them with expensive tools. As long as It's off consistently that's all I care about
It works great. Honestly I think they're all going to be a little off unless you calibrate them with expensive tools. As long as It's off consistently that's all I care about
The Photone app for my iPhone was 100 off with a 20# bond filter. My Photobio matched my Apogee.
It works great. Honestly I think they're all going to be a little off unless you calibrate them with expensive tools. As long as It's off consistently that's all I care about

Cool, I was just wondering how durable it was; how long have you had it? The reviews on Amazon seem to suggest it's decent.
Cool, I was just wondering how durable it was; how long have you had it? The reviews on Amazon seem to suggest it's decent.
Been using mine for 6 months. Very durable and worth every cent. Better than any phone app and closer to the real output. This thing changes readings instantly vertically or horizontally. You can walk around with it in your hand and hold it right under the light at whatever distance you want and get the readings instantly. Really can't lose for the price and ease of use.