Recommendations for a weight scale?


Active Member
I am in the US doing my first grow and hope to do my first harvest in 8 to 10 weeks. I would be interested in seeing what my yield weight of bud will be but I don't have a scale. I have an Amazon account, any recommendations for a low price scale that will get the job done??
Any of the $10 battery scales will work but it's small. I bought mine off Amazon. The local smoke shop wanted $30 for the same Damn thing.

I'd suggest you get two. One pocket size. The other a kitchen scale. Something that'll measure half ounces on one weigh. The small scale will work but it'll take longer to weigh the big wet buds. The kitchen scale measures the bulk. The small scale measures the smoke.

That's the brand I bought. I've also been weighing kratom on it. It makes a powdery mess. The dust gets underneath the scale pad. Blown out with a computer duster. It's going on close to 2.5 years old. Even lent to couple friends twice. Had to change the batteries once.
Those things will last forever. Use a tray or small bowl next time. Tare out the tray wight before use.

I do. I use a snuff can lid that's been cleaned. A morning dose of green kratom is about 5-7 grams of powder by the half teaspoon. I'm spilling it all the time. I think this scale cost $12 total. It's been long enough to forget. The head shop was ripping people off at the time. I swear I remember their price was $39.99. Off the wall crazy price...
I use a digital kitchen scale bought on amazon a few years back. works great. use a bowl or cup tare it. weigh it up. I check it once in a while, a U.S. nickel weighs 5 grams. you can also get calibration weights but close is close enough for me.
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Thanks guys a $10 scale sounds like the ticket... I don't do ebay any more my paypal got hacked and I am fighting them over it
I remember those. If I remember correctly, that spring clip will hold a baggie just fine :)
Yeah. It was a mandatory tool back in the day. Always used to whip it out to check weights on people.

That spring clip hand a death grip. :-)
You can get them at Walmart also if don’t wanna wait. I have two from when I bred ball pythons and weight was important using grams
Yeah. It was a mandatory tool back in the day. Always used to whip it out to check weights on people.

That spring clip hand a death grip. :-)
Back in my day was how many fingers across the baggie. My first thought of getting some a year ago after not smoking for 30 years when I got a fifty and expected four fingers across a baggie and not a cig pack wrapper with 5 bullshit grams. Thought I was being jacked. Told him hey gave me wrong wrapper you gave me the part you would have pinched out of a half ounce 30 years
When I first bought weed back in the 70's, I immediately picked up on when my guy said "The more you buy the cheaper it gets"...

To which I replied... "Well then, fill up my truck until it's free!"

We both looked at each other in wonderment of "I wonder just how much weed would it take to buy to make it free....."