Recommended seed banks

Herbies offers x20 Seedstockers at €15, while x9 Dutch Passion go for €75. Fck me. Is it really that much difference in quality?
If it wasn't for the risk of customs I would pay more for quality seeds, but I feel like it's a little too much to risk:???:
Hi there, I am the uk. Yes indeed, just looked at suggestion but a bit pricey for postage. Thanks

Check out Sensible Seeds. They are based in the UK. Huge selection of offerings from breeders all around the world. I'm in the US and have ordered from them numerous times and have gotten my order in under a week.
Cheap and chips and 100% reliable in my experience.

I would fully recommend Seedstockers since you are in the UK.

All the seeds I've had from them has been good to superb with the superb being Blackberry Gum.

I grow gaggles of that because its such an excellent plant in every way.

Fems and Autos are all there.
Seedstockers are mostly dutch passion genetics rebranded as their own. They're sister companies kinda. Tells you on their website.
Done a few of there's too. The BBG is definately a quality smoke.
Favourite I've done of there's was ak420 which is the same one DP use to make some of their massive autos.
Took about 14 weeks on 12/12 but one of my favourite smokes of all time. Shits like truth serum, half a spliff and you can't shut up lol.
Their WW auto is my favourite out of the 6 or 7 I've tried too. Propper heavy hitter for an auto that one. Crackin smoke too :)
Herbies offers x20 Seedstockers at €15, while x9 Dutch Passion go for €75. Fck me. Is it really that much difference in quality?
If it wasn't for the risk of customs I would pay more for quality seeds, but I feel like it's a little too much to risk:???:
It's mostly the same seeds mate. Read my comment above this ^^
In order to know whether you can count on replies, first, the person responding needs to know where you reside. None of the responses thus far requested that information. That tells me that what they say needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

So, where are you growing out the seeds you want to buy?
this is very true especially with the climate of the world right now all kinds of shipping restrictions due to covid so depending on what part of the world you are definetly matters i believe crop kings says they are in canada but every part of my trans action went through california which is probably why i got crop king seeds so quick
and also another thing to think about is if someone said they havent ordered from a specific seed bank in years you should probably take their advice with a grain of salt especially if you get advice from people that are recent customers of said seedbank who have had 100% germination success
Cheap and chips and 100% reliable in my experience.

I would fully recommend Seedstockers since you are in the UK.

All the seeds I've had from them has been good to superb with the superb being Blackberry Gum.

I grow gaggles of that because its such an excellent plant in every way.

Fems and Autos are all there.
That’s great! Thanks.