Reconstituting old plants into new soil...


Well-Known Member
So the story goes...I was a week into flower on my last grow, my neighbor and his buddy jumped me and left a pretty good bloody me. So I clearly called the cops, but realized I had 3 plants in the house and literally destroyed my whole grow in 5 minutes. But I threw my chopped plants in a bag and hid them, recently found them decomposing. They've been in this bag for almost a month now, but I bought some new soil because I have some Sour Diesel germinating. I've held onto the bag because I'm wondering if the decomposed glop would be great for a new seedling. Yes, I'm aware of compost, but not bagged compost. Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
No not a good idea.. more likely to get disease, rot, mold etc. than anything beneficial.

What I really wanted to say is I'm sorry for what happened to you. That's fucked up. I'm glad you're still at it.


Well-Known Member
why did your neighbor and his buddy jump you? anything to do with your grow? hope not.
if you put seedlings into the glop you will get dead seedlings. i don't make many guarantees in this biz but i can guarantee that. start from scratch.


Well-Known Member
Well, my neighbors are meth heads...not to mention drunks. Had nothing to do with my grow, it actually had everything to do with what they filled their heads with, but that's another thread, lol. I have my new soil ready and my seeds germinating, I just had an inkling about adding the decomposing matter to the soil, but I think I've got a good Idea now. Call me a pot head...but even not adding it to soil, I can't throw 3 plants out, not in good nature!...HA! just have to gather my equipment now...ugh. I hid it all from the cops when I was drunk and high as FUCK off adrenaline!!


Ursus marijanus
why did your neighbor and his buddy jump you? anything to do with your grow? hope not.
if you put seedlings into the glop you will get dead seedlings. i don't make many guarantees in this biz but i can guarantee that. start from scratch.
Peed in their pool! (Really tied the yard together.) cn


Well-Known Member
I'll start a thread on my new grow though, once I'm done germinating. and have viable seedlings! As long as I'm not in jail...I've stood on my porch and watched him with a bat, hoping he fucks up. I'm not a fighter. I'm a finisher. Not sure which is worse.