Recovering moldy pot



I posted previously about attempting (hoping) to reclaim some pot that had become moldy.

I’d read and am applying a suggested program of soaking the pot in water, and daily rinsing and changing the water, and storing in a ‘cool, dark place’, theoretically until it becomes clear.

I thought I was making progress as the water HAD been becoming clearer and clearer each day.

After a little over a week I started having these little wisps of white floating around the top water. I would scoop them out before dumping the water and rinsing.

The weed has become quite stinky. But I imagine that will dissipate when I dry it.

These wisps have now become quite prominent, as shown in the photos. Am I finally reaching the ‘release point’ and the white mold is letting go of the leaf and floating to the top, where it is collecting?

Or am I growing something altogether new?

I rinse the stuff in a colander in cool water, and rinse the jar between dumping and refilling. And I pour as best as I can to keep the goods out of the water as it is pouring out.

Any info or suggestion is welcome.

Thanx in advance


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I started the soaking thing about two weeks ago. For a while the water was getting clearer and clearer.

Then suddenly it started getting murky again, and the white whisps, as shown in the photos with my original post, started appear.

I decided to go another day or so and see what happens. Today the water is about clear again. NOTHING floating but some loose pieces, and quite transparent for murk.

Going to quit while I am ahead, dry it and see what it looks like.
Sorry man, whatever you do don't smoke it when it's dry, and definitely don't give it to someone else.

Trash it, start over. Better luck next time.

you can go outside cut some grass in your yard add some basil and it would be better than smoking that! please dont give it away either trash it!
I feel your pain, had to toss the top half of a plant last run, lost about a good two ounces I would guess... Big giant thick colas too, very sad, but it does happen. I smoked some moldy weed for a few weeks once and broke out on my arms with dry skin and welts and sores on my elbows... crazy, don't go there... Not to mention the coughing after every puff... really harsh... bad bad bad
I fear my 'dark was dark enough, but my 'cool' was probably too warm, not in a 'climate controlled' environment in Phoenix!

This was the end of a 'Black Market' situation that began years ago. My 'guy' got the quantity he needed to get a good price. At the time, though I was his most reliable, he had a few other 'customers'. HE didn't use. In fact he's been 'clean and sober' with AA for 20 some years, I believe. But he knows people. Gradually it got down to me, and the person I was sharing with decided he wanted 'pharmaceutical' even though he has no card. After 30 years, NOW he has other 'sources'. So that left me and 'my guy' with a lot more than either of us wanted. So I bought him out. And am now set for about a year and a half.

So much for our tax return!

And my dispensary has now stopped selling $99 ounces! Looking to 'up their rep for quality'. Lowest oz is $190...
