Recovery after flushing

Never listen to the guys at the grow store. Most are completely clueless yet act like they're experts. I don't know what those plants looked like before you dumped 9 gallons of water through them but they're looking pretty ragged right now. Unless you incorrectly measured your nutrients and massively overfed there was no reason to flush. It likely caused more harm than good.
I am switching nutrients because I followed the chart on the ones I was using so maybe powders aren’t for me? Or that one wasn’t? I threw those 2 out.
99% of nutrients have the same ingredients in them. Start out using half strength and go from there.

What media do you grow in?
I used big rootz for one of those and Detroit nutrient company soil for the other (I couldn’t find big rootz locally so I bought that one day-I had stuck with big rootz from the start).
Were you measuring your ppm's or just going by the recommended amount ?

I find I can't go much over 1000 before I get in trouble...

And with a new nutrient line I will start light and slowly increase until I see a bit of tip burn. That's usually enough !

Growing in ProMix HP which has no added nutrients..

Were you measuring your ppm's or just going by the recommended amount ?

I find I can't go much over 1000 before I get in trouble...

And with a new nutrient line I will start light and slowly increase until I see a bit of tip burn. That's usually enough !

Growing in ProMix HP which has no added nutrients..

Just going by the recommended amount. I just got a ppm reading pen. Will start slow with the nutrients this next go. Thanks!
Yeah I find most of you that do the belittling don’t “intend” to. Yes-they look like shit. I acknowledge that. Before I totally throw them I sought professional assistance-that’s what they suggested. ‍♀
Don’t toss them let them ride on. I had the same thing happening about a month ago. I’m growing zkittles strain. The tips and edges were curling and browning. From reading I came to conclusion it may have been potassium deficiency. So I flushed really well with ph water then added nutrients back at a moderate level the back to full strength. After about 2 weeks I noticed how the buds were fattening back up. Now I believe I’m about 2 weeks from harvest. Mostly cloudy and very few Amber but pretty frosty. Be patient you have gone this far finish the race. The leaves are probably not gonna get better but I have read that at flower the plant gets mostly of it’s energy from the nutrients and not the leaves. Hang in there you’ll be smoking a bong soon.
I have some plants in bad shape. Went to my local grow store and showed them pics…they advised to flush. Did 9 gallons per plant with their feed regime introduced in the last 2 gallons. How long after a flush should I start to see any improvement? Attached are pics of 2 of the 3 plants. The plant not pictured has BRIGHT YELLOW leaves throughout but there is still bud development happening.
Looks like a nutrient lockout. do flush for the sake of your flowers, but I think it's too late to turn around your leaves at this point. A good flush can be noticed the next day.