Well-Known Member
I've always been one to use fabric pots (5 gallon is the largest I've used), but I have these 27 gallon heavy duty plastic containers that I'm thinking about making into No-Til planters. I plan on drilling several drainage holes on the bottom.
My question... is there any major advantage to using fabric pots vs. containers like these? Should I just spend the money on a large fabric pot or would these 27 gallon storage containers work just fine? They would fit my growing area perfectly and are super sturdy. And on another thought... I am kind of getting a bit tired of how flimsy the fabric pots can be.
I'm a proponent of using what you have on hand. You could absolutely use those containers, maybe slightly modified, and kick some serious ass.
I think you'd be better off if you drilled multiple holes (say 2") at the bottom of that container then lined the inside with landscaping fabric.
That way you'd have the stability of your plastic container and also the breath ability and hopefully root pruning of the fabric.
^great idea^ you the best of both worlds and is practically free.