Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

hi guys, my book is out, so feel free to click on the link in my signature. its great to see the topics that i cover regularly come up in this forum: worms in grow containers, blumats, mixes, etc...

thank you everyone for this beautiful forum. it's by far the most civil and informative one that i'm a part of.

i was nudged into growing because i live in a conservative town and work in a conservative industry. what had previously happened organically (finding a connection) never (or rarely) materialized.

so i went the DIY route. unfortunately, i was gardening across from the city's main criminal courthouse during a "crime of the decade" type case. cops were on my street 24/7 for months. i'm a pretty relaxed guy, but my 90+ day sativa was pushing my nerves.
4 cups Rock Powders (4X Glacial, 1X Bentonite, 1X Oyster Shell, 1X Basalt)
Can someone tell me if I'm right...Does he mean 16 cups of glacial, 4 cups bentonite, 4 cups oyster shell, 4 cups basalt?

i always understood it as 4 TOTAL cups, with the ratios given; so 28 cups would be 4x as much
4 cups Rock Powders (4X Glacial, 1X Bentonite, 1X Oyster Shell, 1X Basalt)
Can someone tell me if I'm right...Does he mean 16 cups of glacial, 4 cups bentonite, 4 cups oyster shell, 4 cups basalt?

1 cup glacial rock dust
1 cup basalt rock dust
1 cup bentonite ( volcanic ) rock dust
1 cup oyster shell flour

then after harvest when you replant the next plant in the same pot of soil, you only need to add half as much

Absol-freaking-lutely! My smart pots are giant worm bins with some plants! I just have to pull back some mulch for the worm show. ;)

Edit: Imo you want Epigeic worms (red wigglers, himalayan blues, euros, etc). I've never tried it, but I'm told regular old earth worms won't survive in pots.



so do you think its good to have the night crawlers. Since my worms vanished I've been trying to decide between ordering just the red wigglers from uncle jims or the combo of red wigglers and night crawlers from build a soil. with night crawlers its a better deal from build a soil. just red wigglers is a better deal from uncle jims.

I was kind of holding out hoping some cocoons would hatch. I haven't seen any. I'm on a tight budget for the next month.
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1 cup glacial rock dust
1 cup basalt rock dust
1 cup bentonite ( volcanic ) rock dust
1 cup oyster shell flour

then after harvest when you replant the next plant in the same pot of soil, you only need to add half as much

so do you think its good to have the night crawlers. Since my worms vanished I've been trying to decide between ordering just the red wigglers from uncle jims or the combo of red wigglers and night crawlers from build a soil. with night crawlers its a better deal from build a soil. just red wigglers is a better deal from uncle jims.

I was kind of holding out hoping some cocoons would hatch. I haven't seen any. I'm on a tight budget for the next month.
Personally i'd go with just the red wrigglers.
4 cups Rock Powders (4X Glacial, 1X Bentonite, 1X Oyster Shell, 1X Basalt)
Can someone tell me if I'm right...Does he mean 16 cups of glacial, 4 cups bentonite, 4 cups oyster shell, 4 cups basalt?

Mix the bulk mix of glacial bentonite oyster and basalt and shake it. add four cups of that mix per cubic ft
I think the key for me was getting the native ones, I imagine the Canadian ones would need a cooler environment.
I was just experimenting, as I have always read and heard that the nightcrawlers don't like compost bins, but like I said, maybe the native ones are a lil different?
All I did was rescue the big fatties from the puddles, and I put out a 6x6 foot tarp and got a bunch more that way.
Side note though, a pot full of clay based soil may have some problems breathing... Just sayin, you get a damn good CEC but not enough oxygen

Native it is! I wet some cardboard with a leftover kelp tea and set it outside with leaves over it. I think I'll check it tonight.
Morning everyone! I noticed a few things this morning with my ladies I wanted to share. First was my landrace Yunnan. Has anyone ever gotten 8 blades like this before? I'm not sure if it's because of it being a landrace, a random mutation or possibly the affect of colloidal silver?
I also have two Scotts Ogs and a B-52 (heavy feeder) lady who I was a bit heavy handed watering with a week ago. I got them to dry out before too much damage was done. They only lost their cotyledon and their first true leaves yellowed pretty bad. All new growth is lush and healthy. Except my B-52, she still seems really pale. I'm not sure if she is just bouncing back still or if my soil mix is too weak for her. The strain is meant for commercial hydroponics supposedly. IMAG0778.jpg IMAG0779.jpg
Starting on the top left and going clockwise it goes Scotts og, b52, yunnan, Scotts og. IMAG0775.jpg
I've had plants throw off 4 or 2 leafers before, never 8. Totally caught me off guard with how symmetrical it is though

Maybe its a mutant / dank pheno. like u.k. cheese, blue dream, ac/dc and russet potatoes

uk cheese - sister pheno to skunk 1
blue dream - blueberry haze
ac/dc - harlequinn
russet potatoes - early rose potatoes
Back in 2003 I had strains from dutch passion, sagmartha, flying dutchmens, soma, and spice of life that all would produce 5,7,8,9 finger leaves.
Yeah, my bluedream will consistently give me 9 fingers, I had a strain that had the typical odd set of leaves but then had a "middle" finger opposing them, always made me laugh, too bad that one wasn't a keeper.
I grew some bag seed out of some redbud that was REALLY strong back in the late 90s, and that girl outside had like these long-ass tendril like fingers, the most we counted was 15 true fingers (not counting the little two at the base), really thin leaves like maybe an inch, it was some insanity... started flowering in late may/early june and "ended" in early dec, I have ended in parentheses because it would have foxtailed probably all winter long and rotted from the rain.
ended up being about 15 feet from base to tip but I curled it over to sort of make like a cannabis lean-to, so I imagine it would have gotten much taller if I would have allowed it to grow straight.
Hmm, actually I think I kept a leaf in a big atlas book, i'll see if I can find it, damn thing was huge.
The herb wasn't as special as I would have liked it to be, (still very good, but not worth the effort & trimming) but I think that strain didn't belong in northern CA, it belonged like 5,000 miles south of there.
Even still though, it didn't really stretch like you'd think, it just never stopped growing like what most growers are used to, being the first two to three weeks strains grow and then fill in, but this thing just grew, and sprinkled foxtail nugs as she went.
I always have a soft spot for sativas... maybe some day i'll buy a place down south
Where did you get the landrace Yunnan? If you get any males, please let me know! I love landrace strains.
Herbies! I bought a Femmed pack (booo I know) to see how I liked it medicinally. If it works better than the different Ogs I like, I'll buy a couple packs of regs to look for some breeding parents. So I'll definitely have some males... In the next year or two lol.
I plan to eventually own a greenhouse / nursery that specializes in heirloom strains of cannabis and other plants. But mainly cannabis. I'd like to be "that guy" :p
kinda thought you guys would like pics of some comfrey flowers.
Can you guys spot the baby aloe?
Where's waldo?
Theres a pic of my jasmine too, the comfrey is connected sorta now...
All of that greenage and flowers are supplied by my comfrey/dandelion tea.
A lil comfrey on comfrey action for you organic guys
the sun was hitting it kinda weird so they are a lil hard to see


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