Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

where does it end right ?? lets not forget experience into the equation of course people are going to see a difference in growth when tey were growing with UFO's , mars or a 400 watt hid mind you 400's are like watching fucking paint dry lol
Here 76 plant 1 k parobolic Co2 enriched sealed well over 1 oz per plant were does it end by the way that was way over 2.27 GPW gallery_11738_4880_125774.jpg
So again i stress do or use what works best for your situation just tired of cob growers always trying to run down Hid lights as Hid destroyers i rather find it really amusing i mean here 2 pictures guess which one is was grown with Cob lmao and which one under HID look at realstyles video;s buds size of his thumbs just saying

Keep er green folks user152169_pic1284802_1405154203.jpg
week 6 660 DE closet grow View attachment 3626276

There's something I don't understand...maybe because I am French!??)...why everyone have better results with cobs but not you?
You say you pull 2gpw with hps so with cobs well spaced (1foot) in your tent you should pull 3gpw in same conditions!
Why everybody have better crops with cobs?
And all the grow we saw wasn't 5 weeks old nor organic!
But you are the kind of guy who prefer quantity over quality...I don't...and if you compare the side costs and the time you spend in your grow room I pull twice your!
Keep things like this...
There's something I don't understand...maybe because I am French!??)...why everyone have better results with cobs but not you?
You say you pull 2gpw with hps so with cobs well spaced (1foot) in your tent you should pull 3gpw in same conditions!
Why everybody have better crops with cobs?
And all the grow we saw wasn't 5 weeks old nor organic!
But you are the kind of guy who prefer quantity over quality...I don't...and if you compare the side costs and the time you spend in your grow room I pull twice your!
Keep things like this...
Your pulling yields like he does? You may not like the dudes attitude or way he goes about some things, but be honest. That dude can garden.
I never said he can't...but with chem...!
He add CO2 put a lot of fert it is a commercial grow...the weed you don't want to smoke that's why you grow your own!
But yes it is really big bud from a great production strain...I agree!
But what I wanted to say is that I am sure that with 1000w of cxb3590 @1400mA in the same growroom he could do better than with his hps I bet on it!
I never said he can't...but with chem...!
He add CO2 put a lot of fert it is a commercial grow...the weed you don't want to smoke that's why you grow your own!
But yes it is really big bud from a great production strain...I agree!
But what I wanted to say is that I am sure that with 1000w of cxb3590 @1400mA in the same growroom he could do better than with his hps I bet on it!
Bonjour mon choo choo now i have grown Chemical like every person in the world,, and the pea soup your eating for supper i would bet is chemically grown you guess is its chemically grown right ??
what if i told you its sea compost , sheep manure, peatmoss, masonry sand and chicken shit ???
You know 10 years ago i was telling people and yes even on this site how i used a 50 gallon drum half full of water , threw in all my veggie scraps used a drill stirred the fuck out of it strained and had over 2000 ppm of plant food which of course i needed to water back to my 650 - 800 max PPM for compete grow

Again its not about having bad luck with Cobs shit i have not put any together yet i do have full spectrum of cobs just sitting for now its spring time so out door work is being done right

But one could say well shit how in the fuck can 36 percent Eff HID make monster buds like that and yet not one fucking cob grow i see nothing and i mean nothing close
Jacob please be my guest show us your cob grow buds put a something beside it so everyone can see
i mean i seen some pictures of grows and was like wow them buds re big only to eventually see they were the size of my left nut

Again i think i am proving a point here i mean fucking forget about the brightness of a light means shit its what it hammers down as in umol and if cob is surely blowing hid out in that Department then bud size and GURTH would be a known factor but is it
Or why has all cob growers tend to grow low yielding OG small bud size grows lol if you catch my drift
Cause if you think this is impressive if you seen some of my grows your Jaws would Drop

Like i said was making home made plant food in to days terms Called teas like 10 years ago and getting laughed at o lol ironic guess should of patented the idea lol
but today Tea's are the craze

Don Brennan why am i here to teach and school the the newbs like your self i make soils plant and walk away let mother nature water them soil does rather well as well as trees
here water only kinda gives you a idea

I just Get offensive when i here cob this cob that lol and i really do not see seriously anything overly impressive
its like saying Vertical out yields Horizontal ???? An If that was the case you know with the 135 percent more space more light etc blah blah BS and vertical out yielded Horizontal by the percentage numbers of 135 percent there be no fucking Debate ,, but when looking all the documented grows on the internet one can soon figure out its not the higher yielder its actually less and that is from averages of every documented vertical grow on the internet .
Just saying
But Again its not what it can produce its the possibilities of what it can
and most importantly what way works best for your situation that is KEY to your success

Anyways Yum Yum lol getting back to work on the BB strain for the summer Mongo pM me send you seeds bro

PS : you guys got to realize not trying to start a fight cob vs HID i really do not give a crap really i do not i am just patiently waiting for them monster buds pictures to come out from a COB grow which i have yet to see like donkey diks and huge Buds seen pretty regularly with HID grows gallery_11738_4818_152538.jpg gallery_11738_4818_55665.jpg gallery_11738_4818_64679.jpg
Like i said was making home made plant food in to days terms Called teas like 10 years ago and getting laughed at o lol ironic guess should of patented the idea lol
but today Tea's are the craze

Don Brennan why am i here to teach and school the the newbs like your self i make soils plant and walk away let mother nature water them soil does rather well as well as trees
here water only kinda gives you a idea

I just Get offensive when i here cob this cob that lol and i really do not see seriously anything overly impressive
its like saying Vertical out yields Horizontal ???? An If that was the case you know with the 135 percent more space more light etc blah blah BS and vertical out yielded Horizontal by the percentage numbers of 135 percent there be no fucking Debate ,, but when looking all the documented grows on the internet one can soon figure out its not the higher yielder its actually less and that is from averages of every documented vertical grow on the internet .
Just saying
But Again its not what it can produce its the possibilities of what it can
and most importantly what way works best for your situation that is KEY to your success

Anyways Yum Yum lol getting back to work on the BB strain for the summer Mongo pM me send you seeds bro

PS : you guys got to realize not trying to start a fight cob vs HID i really do not give a crap really i do not i am just patiently waiting for them monster buds pictures to come out from a COB grow which i have yet to see like donkey diks and huge Buds seen pretty regularly with HID grows View attachment 3626796 View attachment 3626797 View attachment 3626798


Bonjour mon choo choo now i have grown Chemical like every person in the world,, and the pea soup your eating for supper i would bet is chemically grown you guess is its chemically grown right ??
what if i told you its sea compost , sheep manure, peatmoss, masonry sand and chicken shit ???
You know 10 years ago i was telling people and yes even on this site how i used a 50 gallon drum half full of water , threw in all my veggie scraps used a drill stirred the fuck out of it strained and had over 2000 ppm of plant food which of course i needed to water back to my 650 - 800 max PPM for compete grow

Again its not about having bad luck with Cobs shit i have not put any together yet i do have full spectrum of cobs just sitting for now its spring time so out door work is being done right

But one could say well shit how in the fuck can 36 percent Eff HID make monster buds like that and yet not one fucking cob grow i see nothing and i mean nothing close
Jacob please be my guest show us your cob grow buds put a something beside it so everyone can see
i mean i seen some pictures of grows and was like wow them buds re big only to eventually see they were the size of my left nut

Again i think i am proving a point here i mean fucking forget about the brightness of a light means shit its what it hammers down as in umol and if cob is surely blowing hid out in that Department then bud size and GURTH would be a known factor but is it
Or why has all cob growers tend to grow low yielding OG small bud size grows lol if you catch my drift
Cause if you think this is impressive if you seen some of my grows your Jaws would Drop

You've only been on this site less than a year. You're talking out your ass. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. This is why everyone in here is laughing at you. Most of what you say makes zero sense. Most of these pics are from different growers. So just stop. No one is feeding your b.s. anymore.
All natural, 100% Pest-free sativa doms on Day 27

.. Vero's causing major hash buildup on the canopy thermometer

The smallest plant is in this shot and the biggest plant is NOt, she off getting watered.. But here's five beauties in a total of 3 different recipes of soil doing us proud

View attachment 3621069

View attachment 3621075

View attachment 3621076

Local frost warning in effect for the next several days
Less than 480 watts of Vero 18 less than 4 weeks in.
Let's not talk politics now...there are threads for that. Back to rols....I'm mixing up coots mix today. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress. Plants are alllll ready looking better just by switching soil....something had to happen in that last garbage bin I made up.

The first 2 were fine but #3....booty. literally killed my girl scout cookie forum...never had a plant completely die on me...