Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Hey there Mazar... try this @ 1/4 cup per Gal of water and can also mix in with your IPM.

If you have access to young coconuts - the green ones have the most water, drill holes and drain and mix with water and water in. Coconut water (pure no sugar no preservatives), is an overnight sensation. You will see an immediate result. Combine with Malted Barley = shit off charts.

I use this product from Trader Joe's:

Dear Gentlefolks,
My worms are asking me for a bokashi treat. And I shall oblige. I understand the benefices of the fermentation process (up to a point) BUT I saw gro-kashi which is supposed to be waaaaaaaaay superior! or is it just the label?
For some obscure reason, when I do a search on RIU, I NEVER EVER get the results I am after. Is there a thread on this subjet?
I did see hyroot's post giving the receipe

But I am still in darkness regard gro-kashi. what are the differences/advantages???

Kimchiingly yours,
Dear Gentlefolks,
Just as a bumper for those who have not yet read the excellent "Teaming up with Microbes" by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis, here are the 19 RULES to keep in mind. I have on of these laminated and posted by my plants.
feel free to order a copy here or elsewhere to read the details.

The Soil Food Web Gardening Rules
1. Some plants prefer soils dominated by fungi; others prefer soils dominated by bacteria.
2. Most vegetables, annuals, and grasses prefer their nitrogen in nitrate form and do best in bacterially dominated soils.
3. Most trees, shrubs, and perennials prefer their nitrogen in ammonium form and do best in fungally dominated soils.
4. Compost can be used to inoculate beneficial microbes and life into soils around your yard and introduce, maintain, or alter the soil food web in a particular area.
5. Adding compost and its soil food web to the surface of the soil will inoculate the soil with the same soil food web.
6. Aged, brown organic materials support fungi; fresh, green organic materials support bacteria.
7. Mulch laid on the surface tends to support fungi; mulch worked into the soil tends to support bacteria.
8. If you wet and grind mulch thoroughly, it speeds up bacterial colonization.
9. Coarse, dryer mulches support fungal activity.
10. Sugars help bacteria multiply and grow; kelp, humic and fulvic acids, and phosphate rock dusts help fungi grow.
11. By choosing the compost you begin with and what nutrients you add to it, you can make teas that are heavily fungal, bacterially dominated, or balanced.
12. Compost teas are very sensitive to chlorine and preservatives in the brewing water and ingredients.
13. Applications of synthetic fertilizers kill off most or all of the soil food web microbes.
14. Stay away from additives that have high NPK numbers.
15. Follow any chemical spraying or soil drenching with an application of compost tea.
16. Most conifers and hardwood trees (birch, oak, beech, hickory) form mycorrhizae with ectomycorrhizal fungi. 

17. Most vegetables, annuals, grasses, shrubs, softwood trees, and perennials form mycorrhizae with endomycorrhizal fungi.
18. Rototilling and excessive soil disturbance destroy or severely damage the soil food web. 

19. Always mix endomycorrhizal fungi with the seeds of annuals and vegetables at planting time or apply them to roots at transplanting time.

Teamingly yours,
Just grabbed these the aloe has 1/10 of 1% preservatives is that bad?


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Hey everyone and thanks a lot in advance for all the help and experience contribution you guys have provided and continue to provide.
I am working on building a raised beds garden in the worst climate ever for gardening. In the summer and from june until september, its very difficut to keep any potted plant alive. The heat will suffocate the roots if the soil is a bit wetter! Its 120F in the shade during the day and 85-95F at night. Humidity doesnt register actually during mid june to early august.
Id like to get some input on the best organic no til soil mix for this climate. Would upping the drainage/aeration (perlite) to 50% from 33% sounds right? How about the base? Should I use Coco vs peat vs sand (or a mix of the above)?
I would really love to get the input of those living in those parts of the world close enough of hell. The raised beds are constructed and im thinking about NOT lining the wood as to allow soil water to hydrate the frame during those dry and hot times?? or should I line it to prevent rotting!
Ill be using fluffier mulch during those hot summers to keep the soil cool but also allow for easier evaporation to avoid suffocating the roots. Ill also be growin some herbs and green leafy veggies to cover the soil during those months
As far as watering, i would love to employ the blumats in my oitdoor garden giving the amazing experience I have with them indoors. But can they handle such climate??
Thanks again lads

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Dear Gentlefolks,
I came upon this site and I checked the content of different sprouts. I was struck by the variety of Protein, Amino Acids you can find from one sprout to another.
Did anyone ever tried to sprout a combination of different seed that have a similar germination time for a more rich SST?

Sproutingly yours,
Hi guys. I m going to start my first living organic grow next month and i want to keep the soil for no till after i m done. So here is my question how do i store the soil for the next run( i can only do 1 to 2 a year). Do i have to water the containers with the soil on a regular base and keep the soil alive or do i need to plant some cover corp or can i leave the pots just in the dark and let them dry out? Sorry for being off topic!!! And thanks for your help!!!
Keep it moist, not soggy and store in Sterlite or Rubbermaid bins and open lid and remove as needed. I have used bins of 18 to 30 gallons for ten years. Can be stored drier. I just now scooped out enough used mix to start seeds this morning from a bin on the back deck.
Hi guys. I m going to start my first living organic grow next month and i want to keep the soil for no till after i m done. So here is my question how do i store the soil for the next run( i can only do 1 to 2 a year). Do i have to water the containers with the soil on a regular base and keep the soil alive or do i need to plant some cover corp or can i leave the pots just in the dark and let them dry out? Sorry for being off topic!!! And thanks for your help!!!

In my experience, if you want to go from a recycled living soil to a no till situation cover crops are very important. Clover is a great one to use.
In my experience, if you want to go from a recycled living soil to a no till situation cover crops are very important. Clover is a great one to use.
Thank u. So just to get it right i cut my plants down than i plant my cover corps and keep those alive for the rest of the year until i start with the next run?
In my experience, if you want to go from a recycled living soil to a no till situation cover crops are very important. Clover is a great one to use.
Thank u. So just to get it right i cut my plants down than i plant my cover corps and keep those alive for the rest of the year until i start with the next run?t
Keep it moist, not soggy and store in Sterlite or Rubbermaid bins and open lid and remove as needed. I have used bins of 18 to 30 gallons for ten years. Can be stored drier. I just now scooped out enough used mix to start seeds this morning from a bin on the back deck.
Thank you but isnt that more recycling than no till?
Thank u. So just to get it right i cut my plants down than i plant my cover corps and keep those alive for the rest of the year until i start with the next run?

Yes sir...and make sure that you mulch the clover back into the pots. I would also suggest starting a comfrey garden. Mulching comfrey into your no till pots is pretty much the greatest thing in the world. It will really make your ladies happy. Good luck!
Dear Gentlefolks,
I have claw fingers. I understand it comes from too much N. How do I mediate this? I am on my second run.
My first soil batch must have had the same problem as the buds came out very airy. Yet the overall smoke/flavor/texture was fantastibulous.

LessNingly yours,