Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

So, I have 4 plants in 5 gal hard pots that I will flower soon. I've been growing them with bottled nutes and happy frog soil. I've prepped some living soil with bokashi and EM1 water. I see bits of mycelium growing in the soil so I think that's a good sign of living soil.

I want to flush them, transplant them into 7gal fabric pots with my prepped living soil, flip the lights, and finish the run organically. I've been doing a whole bunch of reading and I plan to do FFJ with fruits that are high in P&K to help them bloom. Do you think this is a good idea? I hope so, I don't want to finish the run with bottled nutes.

I am currently making some Activated EM. I did a 1:1:20 mix with EM1, molasses, and water. It is fermenting in a 1gal jar with an air lock. From what I know that's considered LAB too, right?

Can you give me some suggestions or recipes I can do to help my plant thru flower?

If you are interested in making a FPE I will always recommend comfrey. Comfrey, water, and a splash of molasses. I use less than a tablespoon for a half gallon. I keep my jar sealed, and I open it twice a day, so it won't explode. Let it sit for a month this way. Dilute and use. Start with a tsp per gallon and work ur way up. I can't tell you how strong it will be, that depends on how you make it. Good luck!
@keepsake also some other herbs to focus on for your run.....yarrow, chamomile, Valerian and dandelion. Don't sleep on making a simple kelp meal tea also. That works wonders....I use an alfalfa and kelp tea through first 3 weeks of flower.Then drop the alfalfa till their finished.

Kelp meal is awesome in flower! Banana peels are great too. I still use a dose of Mad Farmer MOAB when I need to give a PK boost in flower. The only thing that comes close organically for me has been a thick layer of Kelp meal.
If you are interested in making a FPE I will always recommend comfrey. Comfrey, water, and a splash of molasses. I use less than a tablespoon for a half gallon. I keep my jar sealed, and I open it twice a day, so it won't explode. Let it sit for a month this way. Dilute and use. Start with a tsp per gallon and work ur way up. I can't tell you how strong it will be, that depends on how you make it. Good luck!
Ah this could be an excellent way to have access to comfrey over the long winter here!
Excellent idea, and so timely, I had just begun going through other possibilities - besides indoor pot culture, still #1 on my list, but it does come with a space problem, which your recipe doesn't :bigjoint:

@keepsake also some other herbs to focus on for your run.....yarrow, chamomile, Valerian and dandelion. Don't sleep on making a simple kelp meal tea also. That works wonders....I use an alfalfa and kelp tea through first 3 weeks of flower.Then drop the alfalfa till their finished.

Ah this makes total sense!
If I may pick your mind just a little bit more, what do you think of fresh sprouts juice for veg?

Ah this could be an excellent way to have access to comfrey over the long winter here!
Excellent idea, and so timely, I had just begun going through other possibilities - besides indoor pot culture, still #1 on my list, but it does come with a space problem, which your recipe doesn't :bigjoint:

Ah this makes total sense!
If I may pick your mind just a little bit more, what do you think of fresh sprouts juice for veg?


So I am a huge advocate of Sprouted Seed Teas, or SST for short. I make at least one a week for the whole plants life cycle. Next year I will be doing two every week I think. But I rotate my SST'S between wheatgrass and barley. And I also switch my process up sometimes too. Sometimes after I blend up the sprouts, I let them sit for about 3 days then feed. I read Cootz did it this way in the beginning. Most of the time though I just blend up the sprouts, strain, add to my 55 gallon drum of water with some TM7 and aloe. AMAZING! There is a great thread on this site if you are unsure of the process. SST V.2.0 is my main method. Hope this helps!

So I am a huge advocate of Sprouted Seed Teas, or SST for short. I make at least one a week for the whole plants life cycle. Next year I will be doing two every week I think. But I rotate my SST'S between wheatgrass and barley. And I also switch my process up sometimes too. Sometimes after I blend up the sprouts, I let them sit for about 3 days then feed. I read Cootz did it this way in the beginning. Most of the time though I just blend up the sprouts, strain, add to my 55 gallon drum of water with some TM7 and aloe. AMAZING! There is a great thread on this site if you are unsure of the process. SST V.2.0 is my main method. Hope this helps!

Throughout the grow, interesting!
My thoughts have been to only use sprouts in the beginning, when the plant I'm growing is focusing on growth.

But otoh... there is always some sort of growth going on, even in flower. And as I understand it at the moment, plant growth is very unspecific in the beginning (meristematic cells who then can become just about anything? if I remember correctly), so yeah, why shouldn't those enzymes and stuff still be useful later in the grow too? :D

Oh and I actually found an entry incl. scientific background courtesy of Cann on this very thread:
very nice!!

Turns out I've unknowingly being making a "sloppier" version of SST V2.0's myself, only that I will use just about any seeds - at the mo it's a mix with mung beans n radishes meant for people to eat lol

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So, I have 4 plants in 5 gal hard pots that I will flower soon. I've been growing them with bottled nutes and happy frog soil. I've prepped some living soil with bokashi and EM1 water. I see bits of mycelium growing in the soil so I think that's a good sign of living soil.

I want to flush them, transplant them into 7gal fabric pots with my prepped living soil, flip the lights, and finish the run organically. I've been doing a whole bunch of reading and I plan to do FFJ with fruits that are high in P&K to help them bloom. Do you think this is a good idea? I hope so, I don't want to finish the run with bottled nutes.

That will work. You'll be fine. The microbes will bioremediate the soil.

I am currently making some Activated EM. I did a 1:1:20 mix with EM1, molasses, and water. It is fermenting in a 1gal jar with an air lock. From what I know that's considered LAB too, right?

Labs is fermented milk (whey) and rice wash . Em1 is a proprietary brand by Teraganix that contains labs, yeast, and photosynthetic bacteria.

Can you give me some suggestions or recipes I can do to help my plant thru flower?


Step 1: Rice Wash

1 Cup of Rice

1 Cup of Clean Chlorine-free water

1 Pint Jar w lid

1 Coffee Filter

  • Place Water and Rice in Jar.
  • Secure lid on Jar
  • Shake Jar for 5 minutes
  • Strain out the rice and keep the white water
  • Place 1 coffee filter on top of jar and secure the band without the lid so it can breath.
  • Place Jar (on top of your fridge) at room temperature.
  • Wait 1 week for bacteria from the air to fall into your jar.
  • Make 2 just in case you get contaminated.
  • After 1 week strain Rice wash through a strainer and place the lid on securely.
  • Your Rice wash is now full of microbes and ready for step 2 (Lab
Step 2: LABS (Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum)

1 Part Rice Wash (1 cup)

10 Parts Milk (½ Gallon)

1 Gallon Glass Jug (Apple Juice Jug)

3 Coffee Filters

1 Rubber band

  • Place rice wash and milk in the jug
  • Give it a swirl/mix.
  • Cut the 3 coffee Filters in half and now you got 6 halves.
  • Place the filters on top of the jug and secure with a rubber band.
  • Place the Jug on top of the fridge.
  • Wait 1 week for the Separation to occur of the Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum.
  • After 1 week Strain and Separate the Serum from the Curd (Cheese).
  • The Yellow Liquid is called Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)
  • The Cheese can be used as a top dressing for your Flowering Plants Soil.
  • Proceed to Step 3.


Step 3: AEM1 (Activated Essential Micro Organisms)

1 Part LABS (1 Quart)

1 Part Molasses (1 Quart)

20 Parts Non-Chlorine Water

1 5 Gallon Carboy Glass Jug

1 Air Lock

1 Stopper

  • Place Water, Molasses and Labs in the 5 Gallon Jug or Bucket.
  • Mix
  • Secure Tight the Air Lock and Stopper on Jug .
  • Don’t Forget to add water to the Air Lock.
  • Place the Jug back in the box it came in.
  • Place Box in the Flowering room for 3 weeks to diffuse CO2 Gas to the plants.
  • After brewing for 3 weeks test the Ph to be 3.5 Ph.
  • After testing make sure there is no more pressure produced from the brew.
  • Pour solution in Jars and secure the lid tight.
  • Store Jars at room Temperature for 3 Months Max.
  • Feed Plants from all stages at a rate of 1 Pint of Activated Essential Micro Organisms x 5 Gallons of clean water.


Step 4: Flower Power

1 Quart of Activated LABS

4.5 Gallons of Non-Chlorine Water

1 5 Gallon Bucket

Organic Matter (Flowers,Fruits,Vegetables,Coconuts,Bugs,Pumpkins,Bananas)


No Citrus

  • Place All your Organic Matter in the bucket and add water with LABS.
  • Mix
  • Cover bucket
  • Let it sit outside when the weather is 40+ degrees.
  • After 3 weeks of Fermenting it should have a White Layer on top of the water.
  • Mix
  • Let it sit another week to ferment further.
  • Now its been 1 mth go ahead and take out 1 Quart of solution and replace with 1 Quart of clean Non-Chlorine Water.
  • Go Ahead and Add the 1 Quart Solution of Flower Power to 5 Gallons of Clean Water.
  • Test your PPM
  • Week 1 =100 PPM Week 8 = 800 PPM
  • No Need to Test PH
  • Don’t foliar feed with this solution.
  • Feed All Flowering Plant
Green Plants and Green Veggies - Veg
Red, Yellow, and Orange Fruits - Flower
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Thank you.

Week 1 = 100ppm
Week 8 = 800ppm

How do you raise the ppm?
If 1qt to 5gal equals 100ppm, The next batch just add more of the flower power to the same amount of water?

Once I take out 1qt juice and replace with 1qt water, how long til I can take/replace again?

And how long will the whole thing last for until I need to start the whole thing over?
Thank you.

Week 1 = 100ppm
Week 8 = 800ppm

How do you raise the ppm?
If 1qt to 5gal equals 100ppm, The next batch just add more of the flower power to the same amount of water?

Yes that is correct

Once I take out 1qt juice and replace with 1qt water, how long til I can take/replace again?

And how long will the whole thing last for until I need to start the whole thing over?

Well you can keep adding material and labs to it continuously and remove up to 1 gallon every week or you can strain it off after 1 month of fermentation and start another one. I prefer to strain it and compost the left over scraps. Once the liquid is bottled or jar'd up, it will be good up to a year at room temp.

Activated LAB's at room temp is good for 4 months

So, I decided not to transplant and finish organically. I will just finish the run with their nutes. Can I still use flower power FFJ and AEM water?

So, I decided not to transplant and finish organically. I will just finish the run with their nutes. Can I still use flower power FFJ and AEM water?

Yeah. The salts and chemicals in the bottled nutes will kill off any microbes. Most liquid nutrient have either phosphoric acid or calcium nitrates as a ph stabilizer. Those will both kill off microbes.
Yeah. The salts and chemicals in the bottled nutes will kill off any microbes. Most liquid nutrient have either phosphoric acid or calcium nitrates as a ph stabilizer. Those will both kill off microbes.

Seems like most amendments for soil recipes are 1/2 cup per CF.
However, a lot of recipes call for 4 cups per CF for BASALT.

That's still a good thing to follow?
Seems like most amendments for soil recipes are 1/2 cup per CF.
However, a lot of recipes call for 4 cups per CF for BASALT.

That's still a good thing to follow?

Yes. Can be made up of other dusts/minerals as well as long as the total is around 4c per CF.
is gypsum and oyster shell flour considered a rock/dust/mineral?
It's considered a calcium additive, gypsum is actually one of the best CA additives as its high in sulfur too
I use oyster,gypsum, dolomite pellets, i like a broad approach to CA.
I never have to cal/mag anymore ,never had lockout since using Clackamas Coots style living soil
@hyroot do you still use molasses over cane sugar for the AEM and FPEs? Got some fresh serum I'm going to activate and then a comfrey fpe. It's my go to fpj with cane sugar so it will be fun comparing the two.
@hyroot do you still use molasses over cane sugar for the AEM and FPEs? Got some fresh serum I'm going to activate and then a comfrey fpe. It's my go to fpj with cane sugar so it will be fun comparing the two.

For aem I usually use molasses. You can use either. Organic brown sugar is more expensive than organic molasses.
The fpe's I just use the aem.

I just made an aloe fpe and it smelled like dumpster fire sweaty asshole wet shoe homeless person. I let it go a week longer on accident. I don't know if its even good or not. I can't handle the smell.
For aem I usually use molasses. You can use either. Organic brown sugar is more expensive than organic molasses.
The fpe's I just use the aem.

I just made an aloe fpe and it smelled like dumpster fire sweaty asshole wet shoe homeless person. I let it go a week longer on accident. I don't know if its even good or not. I can't handle the smell.
Your a braver man than me , some ferments it's instant vomiting, I gotta 5 gallon with comfrey, labs gonna reup with more fresh comfrey here soon that's a smell to gag a maggot