Hi guys. Sorry for crashing here but i m really desperate!! I m now in week 5 of flowering in my first living organics run. I used the 2.1 master mix from the rev s book true living organics and followed this books advice step by step. The water i used was ro water. But my buds are really small and 2 plants are really sick/weak (already loosing their leaves and all the buds are popcorn size). Maybe you have any ideas what has gone wrong because i have no idea. Mabe some major bigenner mistakes i could have made or some key experience you had that you had in your beginning time. This is my second run ever and my 1st living organic as i said and since i totally overwatered my first grow overwatering is the only thing i m sure i didnt. Maybe to less water (i watered once a week but plants showed no sighns of underwatering) if you have any advice or motivation i would be very thankful because at the moment i m so pissed i m about to stop growing.
Or is living organics to much for beginners and i should start with a more easy methode??
organics should be very simple if you have instructions to follow. what's easier than a water only garden? Don't be discouraged. practice makes perfect!
watered only once a week? 100% guarantee you under watered my friend, and these are the signs you're seeing. when you do water, does it seem to run through the pot as soon as you start pouring it in? if it does... the cause of this is that your medium has become hydrophobic, and while your plants may be getting enough water to not look wilted out, your soil biology is dry as a bone, which means they (organisms) are immobile, and cannot fetch what your plant needs. a friend of mine just experienced this himself, and he had blumat drippers in his container too! but they were dialed to lightly, and everywhere that wasn't within 2 inches of his blumat was dry and crusty. the plant looked great until he tried to give it some more light (LEDs) and when he did that, within days it was showing signs of deficiencies. he called me over, and i assessed the situation and that was what I found. we got her all wet again, and now she's looking great.
soil biology requires consistent and constant moisture. there should be no runoff when you water with living soil organic grows (unless you mistakenly water too much). your goal should be to never have runoff. runoff leaches away nutrients that aren't getting replaced from regular feedings. your soil should be
constantly moist, but
not constantly at
field capacity (maximum moisture). the reason for this constant moisture is because all living things require water (and remember most living things are made of 70% or more water!), especially those little organisms in your soil. if it goes dry, they go dormant, and the food web stops.
the sickly looking plants you're seeing are very likely the result of your biology being inactive, nutrients not coming into solution, and your soil not being able to hydrate easily. one thing about peat moss, once it goes dry, it's a bitch to get wet again. it takes slow and steady waterings, sometimes over the course of a couple days to get it rehydrated properly.
so, scratch around in your soil, is it dry beneath the surface? does it feel crusty anywhere? are your pots very light and easy to pick up? which btw, the lift test is the best and most accurate way to determine soil moisture in my opinion.
don't stop trying! this isn't a hard thing to do... it just requires practice. and your number one lesson should be, don't wait to ask questions until a problem is so bad that you don't know how to fix it!!!
i am unfamiliar with the soil recipe that you used. and it's hard to find solutions without things like pictures of your plant or your soil. but this is my gut assessment of your situation. so if what i described sounds like your situation, my first step of action would be to start watering that soil. slowly, get it rehydrated. you may only be able to pour a cup into it at a time every hour or two over the course of the next few days.