Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Sorry about the the lineage of this F1 is:

Female Seeds 'Blueberry Cheesecake'


Sincity Seeds 'Tangerine Power'

No Black Russian that i can see in there..

Thats cool Im running blueberry cheesecake right now, testing it for female seeds, got 6 girls on day 10 ish... I ran a freebie seed before and it was my favorite of all the female seeds strains I ran (4 different strains total)
i just wanna say i wish i had saw this cpl years ago, but my guess is if i had i would have still been to bullheaded to believe i needed all that stuff.(even tho it is cheaper in the long run in many ways). the fact is i still have not done organic soil correctly as i never fully committed and or used sub par products from home depot that just gave me bugs. anyway. at this point idc how many busted shitty grows it takes, so far 3 lol, but imma nail this down. tbh it was the bug issue that was the main problem i was just way late to the party figuring out it was mites. i even checked for the mites like 2 crops ago but i didnt know they may not move. so i assumed they were not mites until one day my colas were cotton and it was not bud rot. i saw the mother fuckers everywhere. long story short i culled it all remodeling rn. sealed room being built. i will be using this thread when i start my next seeds and we will be recycling soil and re-ammending using teas and so on. y'all be seeing me around allot soon
Anyone order the clacks mix w pumice from black swallow living soils in canada befor? Or have a better idea?

Im going to try organic no till , 8x8x7 space and put 5plants a month up to 20flowering at a time .

Im good for 35 with the acmpr
I builtmy own leds they work great im switching over from hydro.

How big should my potsize be to flower a 4 ft plant comfortably in no till
Could i start with fox farms ocean forest, and then start no till, use some top dress amendments, microbial teas.?

Or should i start by making a clakamas coots mix and top dress, teas right away
Anyone know how to how about finding garden pumice in canada?

Do you just buy large bags of hydroton lavarock and sledgehammer them for the basalt and small/med pumice aeration for organic no till coots mix?
I meant 'Do it yourself ' of this lamp? (:

Im a coots mix

1/3 aeration
1/3 sphagnum peat moss
1/3 mushroomcompost/wormcastings

Top dress amendments im tracking down, so far gaia green looks good.

Bat guano
Bone meal
Bio char
Gypsum/oystershell/lime - ph buffer
Neem/karanja - ipm
Crustacean meal - calcium chittin
Yucca-wetting agent
Soap nuts oil emulsifier
Fulvic fulpower
Aloe flakes - tea
Coco nut powder - tea
Malted barley grains i will grind downfor enzymes
Bokashi for bacterial innoculant
Promix hp for mixing top dressings
Wormsred wrigglers/euros
Live Cover cop
I have a mycorhizzal innoculant
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I used this nutrient pack and then added mostly Down To Earth dry nutrients and a homebrewed weekly AACT to it. For IPM I used essential oils, karanja oil, neem oil, aloe flakes, flying skull, etc

My base is:
1/3 GS-1 Growstones (recycled beverage bottles) -
1/3 sphagnum peat moss (Sunshine bales from HD)
1/3 Bu's Blend Biodynamic Compost -
I used this nutrient pack and then added mostly Down To Earth dry nutrients and a homebrewed weekly AACT to it. For IPM I used essential oils, karanja oil, neem oil, aloe flakes, flying skull, etc

My base is:
1/3 GS-1 Growstones (recycled beverage bottles) -
1/3 sphagnum peat moss (Sunshine bales from HD)
1/3 Bu's Blend Biodynamic Compost -

You must be american. Its a different story trying to source this stuff in rural canada lol
Dear Ecompost,

I do not know where I got this from but I think Bokashi has a low pH that can harm the bin. Is that not the case?
Personally, I blend and freeze/thaw the worm's food prior to feeding them. I have a fair quantity of coffee/tea in their diet which seriously helps neutralizing most odors. Besides, burying the food under at least 2 inches of bedding also helps. I never had a smell unless the bin is unhealthy.

CocoChanelingly Yours,
during fermentation yes i would argue you get low pH but you shouldnt be adding material not fermented or mid fermentation, and you ought to let the material run its full course so neutralizing pH before adding, We bokashi fermented comfrey leaves in a test and then used a sample without, the worms in the bokashi bin went nuts, the colony expanded faster and the material turn around was also quicker. They seemed to get in to the material easier due to its partial rendering by the LAB et al and conversion was therefore more efficient.
Stating the obvious but dont over feed the worm bins with any material

peace and no smells to all fellow wormers :-)