Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Do you have a mulch or some fresh soil to lay down over top of that?

As for the DE, I haven't had much luck using it as a pest deterrent. It really cakes up when it gets wet, and it tends to fly all over the place while you water. IMO innoculating your soil with BTI bits and laying out some sticky traps is a more effective way of dealing with gnats.

I don't have any mulch but I do have more soil...
Any recommended mulches?

I have mosquito bits but I forgot to add them. Should they be crushed and powdered or just used in chunk form?

I went ahead and top dressed with the mix yesterday, and today I watered it in. The food grade DE just ran into the soil along with the oyster shell and the chunkier dolomite lime and gypsum was left behind.

I had a major gnat problem in my trashcan, so I decided to try to pretreat the tent...
I don't have any mulch but I do have more soil...
Any recommended mulches?

I have mosquito bits but I forgot to add them. Should they be crushed and powdered or just used in chunk form?

I went ahead and top dressed with the mix yesterday, and today I watered it in. The food grade DE just ran into the soil along with the oyster shell and the chunkier dolomite lime and gypsum was left behind.

I had a major gnat problem in my trashcan, so I decided to try to pretreat the tent...

I use a living mulch seed mix, but you could use many different things. Doing any trimming? Fan leaves work great.

Also, @st0wandgrow can you link me that small RO unit that hooks up to the hose?

Our equal to Azamax is called Effect Eco Insect Control and I am with StOw here it is fantastic.
StOws advice for Spinosad is solid bud. The ecomimsect spray mixes well with ludwigs or the Margaret Roberts, I mix it with the latter to make a spinosad based ludwigs type spray. It is your better option in flower although both are excellent. What makes ludwigs special is it is not a synthetic pyrethrin like the others, those are systemic and bad news. Spinosad is a totally organic by product of bacterial metabolic activity. It is beyond safe for you as a human.
I disagree in a South African garden. Right now we have averages of 80RH and regular temps above 100. It is bug paradise. Spraying the soil is essential, best to turn to our arsenal of probiotics to do our best to rectify the situation. Our composts are not clean so our soils never are. How can I put this... it is Africa.

Much respect brother, you summed that up perfectly, i was probably reading up about the synthetic pyrethrin so that makes alot of sense, ive been away for 4 days and left my ladies with the auto watering system, i did spray them with a mixture of mgr organic insecticide & some fresh garden chillies soaked in water before i left although the thrips is still present. Bro so you rate Ludwigs with Spinosad is the best then ? I only have the margaret roberts so i dont mind buying other products if needed bro. As for the ladies the top growth looks really good but its just the bottoms that have thrips.

Temps over here have been crazy though bro my humidity gets lower but i definitely get the 100's often, ive also attached some pics of the ladies and some bottom leaf close ups, thank you brother.




So i got some ludwigs insect spray + , the garlic oil, canola oil & organic pyrethrins, i drenched the ladies and left all fans off, before i drenched them i also top dressed under the mulch with some good quality EWC, on the box it says its for thrips also so im hopeful the pyrethrins will K.O them quickly aswell as the gnats. Respect !
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Does anyone here soil drench using Azamax for a fungus gnat and/or root aphid problems? I know it's OMRI listed, but I'm wondering if a soil drench would have any ill effects to the good/beneficial microlife.
Thank you - The instructions don't say anything about soil drenching or applying it to water, and then watering with it. I've seen the Mosquito Dunks at the local hardware store, and heard about people dissolving one into a bucket of water and watering with it - would this have the same effect as the bits? The only reason I ask is because I need it now, and I can only buy Azamax or the mosquito dunks locally.
Thank you - The instructions don't say anything about soil drenching or applying it to water, and then watering with it. I've seen the Mosquito Dunks at the local hardware store, and heard about people dissolving one into a bucket of water and watering with it - would this have the same effect as the bits? The only reason I ask is because I need it now, and I can only buy Azamax or the mosquito dunks locally.

I use the bits, but the dunks will be fine too. Just break them up a bit and top dress with them right before you water. I use a tablespoon or two for a 7 gallon container depending how bad the problem is.

Just to be clear, these are effective to eliminate gnats, but I don't think they would be helpful with aphids.
Just for the info goodjoint and everyone i diluted 30 ml of this pyrethrin,garlic&canola extract in 1 litre of water, i pretty much used the whole mixture on the 3 ladies and seedlings, i dont see any gnats at all, mad hamish was 100% when he said nothing comes close !
Hey guys, I post an update a few weeks back and I wanted to share an update now on our completely organic Scotts OG.
Day 42 of veg and links to the updates show the nutes amended in the soil. Let me know what you guys think!

Looks good bro! The only thing that jumped out at me was the size of your container. In my experience I have found that early leaf drop/yellowing will happen when the roots run out of room. For whatever reason plants grown in an organically amended soil need more room to stretch their legs out.
That makes sense. As I mentioned in the video, she was a happy accident, a mere seed in our grinder (:
With that said. My one regret with this grow is the one gallon container. I'm really excited to make a video of the unveiling of her roots. I'm dying to see what she looks like under the soil. I also wish i had supplemental C02 but thats a different story entirely. I'll be sure to update you more the next few weeks and will post the root structure when shes all done!
Our equal to Azamax is called Effect Eco Insect Control and I am with StOw here it is fantastic.
StOws advice for Spinosad is solid bud. The ecomimsect spray mixes well with ludwigs or the Margaret Roberts, I mix it with the latter to make a spinosad based ludwigs type spray. It is your better option in flower although both are excellent. What makes ludwigs special is it is not a synthetic pyrethrin like the others, those are systemic and bad news. Spinosad is a totally organic by product of bacterial metabolic activity. It is beyond safe for you as a human.
I disagree in a South African garden. Right now we have averages of 80RH and regular temps above 100. It is bug paradise. Spraying the soil is essential, best to turn to our arsenal of probiotics to do our best to rectify the situation. Our composts are not clean so our soils never are. How can I put this... it is Africa.
What is Stow's advise for Spinosad bud? Spraying the soil with spinosad, even though the company that makes the product states in the MSDS that it can hurt beneficial insects? how about some neem, crab meal, karanja, rock dust in the soil? And that's great you disagree in a south african garden lmao. And exactly what bugs are you spraying the soil for? You doing this in your containers in the house? What's wrong with your compost? Are you not heating it to proper temps? That would kill any possible (but unlikely) pest insects.

Azamax uses one chemical out of 300+ in a neem tree. Mankind has only identified 118, but the hydro industry saw an opening to make money, so they exploited it. Why wouldn't you just use neem oil and get all the compounds?

Sad but true...
